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Device Drivers (Compact 2013)


Device drivers are part of the board support package (BSP) - the hardware-dependent part of the operating system (OS). As such, these low-level software components enable higher-level code to interact with specific hardware devices abstracting the functionality of a physical or virtual device and managing their operation. Physical devices are devices like network adapters, GPS hardware, and touch screen monitors. Virtual devices are devices like virtual keyboards and mice, virtual disk drives, and virtual optical drives. Implementing a device driver allows the functionality of your device to be exposed to applications and other parts of the operating system (OS).

For reference information, see the reference section for each individual driver.

Sample application code is available; for more information, see the following device driver topics:

Source code for this feature is available at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Drivers.

See Also


Device Driver Development Helper Libraries