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Running an Application Automatically


An application can be run automatically on a run-time image, with the addition of a RunOnce Request resource. This can be used, for example, to create a dedicated device, to create the appearance of a custom shell, or to start a service after first boot.

In This Section

  • RunOnce Request Types and Scenarios
    Describes the different types of RunOnce Requests, the value they can add to a run-time image, and some scenarios in which they can be used.
  • Design a Run-Time Image
    Describes the design phase of the development process. During this phase you can choose the components and resources that are required for your run-time image.
  • RunOnce Request
    Describes the registry keys and extended properties of the custom resource that is used to run an application during or after first boot of the run-time image, or after every logon.