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Resources (Update Rollup 1.0 for Windows XP Embedded)


A resource is a file, registry item, command, service, or component management tool. Resources are added to components and configurations to add functionality to a run-time image.

The most common resources are files and registry data. All other resources are considered custom resources. Each resource has a set of properties that can be changed. Some properties, such as destination or build order number, determine how the resource will be handled at build time. The build type property determines whether a resource will be included in debug builds, in release builds, or in both.

Component resources are specified when you define the component with Component Designer. When a component is added to a configuration, its resources are merged with those of its prototypes.

Configuration resources are specified when you define the configuration with Target Designer. These are separate from the components that you add to the configuration. For example, configuration resources can be global files that are not an integral part of the run-time image's functionality and do not require a component.

A resource can be disabled with Component Designer or Target Designer. If a resource is disabled, Target Designer disregards the resource during the build process.

See Also


Determining Application Resource Usage


Prototype Components

Other Resources

About Windows XP Embedded
Custom Resources