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Power Management Application


Windows XP Embedded includes the Power Management Application component, which supports power management features such as shutdown, restart, standby, and hibernate.

This component includes the following files:

  • Xpepm.dll
    This dynamic-link library (DLL) enables you to utilize the power management features even if your configuration does not include the standard Start menu user interface (UI).
  • Xpepm.exe
    This executable file provides a simple command-line tool for using power management on your run-time image.

If you include the Power Management Application component in your configuration, it copies both Xpepm.dll and Xpepm.exe to the %systemroot% directory of your run-time image.

If you are using the MinLogon component, you can statically link Xpepm.dll to your application to take advantage of the power management features. If you are using Xpepm.dll in conjunction with the Windows Logon (Standard) component, Microsoft recommends that you use the SetSystemPowerState and ExitWindowsEx functions. For more information about these functions, see the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation at this Microsoft Web site.

See Also

Other Resources

Power Management Configuration
Power Management APIs