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CeReadRecordProps (EDB) (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function reads properties from the current record. Although this function may be used to read the properties of an EDB databases, applications should call CeReadRecordPropsEx (EDB) when working with an EDB database.

CEOID CeReadRecordProps(HANDLEhDbase,DWORDdwFlags,LPWORDlpcPropID,CEPROPID* rgPropID,LPBYTE* lplpBuffer,LPDWORDlpcbBuffer);


  • hDbase
    [in] Handle to an open database. The database must have been opened by a previous call to the CeOpenDatabaseEx2 (CEDB) function.
  • dwFlags
    [in] Bitmask of read flags.
  • lpcPropID
    [in] Pointer to the number of property identifiers in the array specified by the rgPropID parameter. If rgPropID is NULL, this parameter receives the number of properties retrieved.
  • rgPropID
    [in] Pointer to an array of property identifiers for the properties to be retrieved. If this parameter is NULL, CeReadRecordProps (EDB) retrieves all properties in the record.
  • lplpBuffer
    [out] Pointer to a long pointer to a buffer that receives the requested properties. If the dwFlags parameter includes the CEDB_ALLOWREALLOC flag, the buffer may be reallocated if necessary. If the CEDB_ALLOWREALLOC flag is specified and the content of lplpBuffer is NULL, the server uses the LocalAlloc function to allocate a buffer of the appropriate size in the caller's address space and returns a pointer to the buffer. Note that if the CEDB_ALLOWREALLOC flag is specified, it is possible for the value of this pointer to change even on failure. For example, the old memory might be freed and the allocation might then fail, leaving the pointer set to NULL.
  • lpcbBuffer
    [out] Pointer to a variable that contains the size, in bytes, of the buffer specified by the lplpBuffer parameter. When CeReadRecordProps returns, lpcbBuffer receives a value that indicates the actual size of the data copied to the buffer. If the buffer was too small to contain the data, this parameter can be used to calculate the amount of memory to allocate for the buffer if CEDB_ALLOWREALLOC was not specified.

Return Values

The object identifier of the record from which the function read indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


When you use the CeReadRecordProps function to read properties in an EDB database, this function calls the EDB version of the CeReadRecordPropsEx function, passing a value of NULL for the hHeap parameter.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Windbase.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

CeReadRecordPropsEx (EDB) | CeReadRecordProps (CEDB)

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