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IExchangeClient:IUnknown (Windows CE 5.0)

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This interface is the central point for interaction with the functionality provided by the Exchange Client Catalog item.

Using the methods of this interface, you set up a connection to an Exchange server and then use that connection to initiate search requests.

For step-by-step instructions that demonstrate how to use this interface, see Exchange Client Application Development.


  • The following table shows the methods for this interface in vtable order.
    Like all COM interfaces, this interface inherits the methods for the IUnknown interface.

    Method Description
    Initialize Initializes the Exchange client library and registers a client-provided IExchangeClientRequestCallback implementation that the Exchange client library uses to provide information to client code.
    SetServer Sets the URL to the Outlook Web Access (OWA) service running on the Exchange server.
    GetServer Provides the server URL set in the most recent call to the IExchangeClient::SetServer method.
    SetCredentials Sets the credentials used in future requests.
    RequestContacts Initiates a request to the Exchange server for contact information.
    RequestGALSearch Initiates a request to the Exchange server for information from the global address list (GAL).
    RequestFreeBusyData Initiates a request to the Exchange server for free/busy data.
    CancelPendingRequests Cancels all requests that have been submitted but have not yet begun processing.
    Uninitialize Starts the shutdown procedure for the Exchange client library.

Obtaining a Pointer

To obtain a pointer to an object that implements this interface, call CoCreateInstance with the constant CLSID_ExchangeClient.

This constant is defined in the IExchangeClient.idl file in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\VoIP\SDK\inc directory, and exists in the Exchangeclientguid.lib file in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\VoIP\OAK\Lib\<CPU path> directory.

You can also use another COM object creation method with the same CLSID, like ATL's CComPtr.CoCreateInstance method.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: IExchangeClient.h, IExchangeClient.idl.
Link Library: OWAExchangeClient.lib.

See Also

Exchange Client Interfaces | CoCreateInstance | e_ecrsSucceeded | IExchangeClientContactInformation | IExchangeClientContactInformation::GetHomePhoneNumber | IExchangeClientDataItemArray | IExchangeClientDataItemArray::GetItemAt | IExchangeClientDataItemArray::GetItemCount | IExchangeClientRequest | IExchangeClientRequest::GetDataItemArray | IExchangeClientRequestCallback | IExchangeClientRequestCallback::OnRequestProgress | IUnknown | IUnknown::QueryInterface

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