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IReplStore:IUnknown (Windows CE 5.0)

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The interface implements all required functions related to the store.

Method Description
ActivateDialog Activates an ActiveSync service provider-specific dialog box.
BytesToObject Converts an array of bytes to a HREPLOBJ, which can be either a HREPLITEM or HREPLFLD, when loading.
CompareItem Compares the specified handles using entry identifiers, such as file names or record numbers.
CompareStoreIDs Compares two store identifiers to determine if they are equal.
CopyObject Copies one HREPLOBJ, which can be either a HREPLITEM or HREPLFLD, over to another.
FindFirstItem Returns a new HREPLITEM of the first object in the specified folder, if there is any.
FindItemClose Completes the Find operation in the specified folder.
FindNextItem Returns a new HREPLITEM of the next object in the specified folder, if there is any.
FreeObject Frees the specified HREPLOBJ handle.
GetConflictInfo Gets information about two conflicting objects.
GetFolderInfo Returns a HREPLFLD for folder, specified the object type name. Also returns a pointer to the IReplObjHandler of the specified object type.
GetObjTypeUIData Sends user interface (UI)-related data about an object type to the ActiveSync manager.
GetStoreInfo Gets information about the current store instance.
Initialize Initializes the ActiveSync service provider.
IsFolderChanged Determines if any object in a specified folder has been changed since the method was last called.
IsItemChanged Determines if the item has changed.
IsItemReplicated Determines if the item should be replicated using ActiveSync service provider-defined rules.
IsValidObject Determines if the specified handles are valid.
ObjectToBytes Converts the HREPLOBJ, which can be either a HREPLITEM or HREPLFLD, to an array of bytes when saving.
RemoveDuplicates Finds and removes duplicated objects from the store.
ReportStatus ActiveSync manager is reporting to the store about the status of the synchronization.
UpdateItem Updates the object's time stamp, change number, and other information that is stored in the specified handle.


The IReplStore interface encapsulates all functions needed to access the objects in the store. A handle of type HREPLITEM identifies each object in the store.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Cesync.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

ActiveSync Interfaces | IReplObjHandler | HREPLFLD | HREPLITEM | HREPLOBJ

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