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CeSvcOpen (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function opens a service and retrieves a handle to the registry root for a specified logical position.



  • uSvc
    [in] Logical registry subkey as identified by CESVC_* keys. For more information, see Remarks.
  • pszPath
    [in] Pointer to either a subpath to append to the logical subkey, or a device identifier if uSvc is set to CESVC_DEVICEX.
  • fCreate
    [in] TRUE if the subkey should be created, and FALSE if it already exists.
  • phSvc
    [out] Pointer to the handle to the registry subkey for the service. This handle is equivalent to a HKEY value and can be used by other CEUTIL API functions, as well as Win32 registry manipulation functions.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if the operation completed successfully. Otherwise, this function returns a Microsoft Win32 error code.


The first time a device is connected to the desktop and a partnership is created, the synchronization and filter settings are copied from the MACHINE_ROOT to the partnership subkey under LOCAL_ROOT. The following table maps registry locations to predefined constants. MACHINE_ROOT is used for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE and LOCAL_ROOT is used for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Service.

CEUTIL constants Registry key Description
CESVC_CUSTOM_MENUS MACHINE_ROOT\CustomMenus Custom menus registry root.
CESVC_DEVICE_SELECTED LOCAL_ROOT\Partners\<Selected Device ID> Root subkey for the currently selected device.
CESVC_DEVICES LOCAL_ROOT\Partners Individual device subkeys are created under this key.
CESVC_DEVICEX LOCAL_ROOT\Partners\<Device ID> Particular device root subkey.
CESVC_FILTERS MACHINE_ROOT\Filters The Filters registry root. New filters should register themselves here.
CESVC_ROOT_MACHINE MACHINE_ROOT Microsoft ActiveSync root hierarchy under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
CESVC_SERVICES_COMMON MACHINE_ROOT\Services Services registry root.
CESVC_SERVICES_USER LOCAL_ROOT\Partners\<Device ID>\Services Root Services subkey for a particular device.
CESVC_SYNC LOCAL_ROOT\Partners\<Device ID>\Services\Synchronization Synchronization registry root for a particular device.
CESVC_SYNC_COMMON MACHINE_ROOT\Services\Synchronization Synchronization registry root. New synchronization services should register here.

When the handle returned by CeSvcOpen is no longer needed, the application should call the CeSvcClose function.

CeSvcOpen is part of CEUTIL, a utility DLL for dealing with desktop registry entries for Windows CE. CEUTIL functions are for use by desktop applications that need to communicate remotely with Windows CE–based devices. These functions are not available to applications running on Windows CE–based devices.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Ceutil.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

ActiveSync Functions | CeSvcClose

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