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CeGetStoreInformation (RAPI) (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function fills in a STORE_INFORMATION structure with the size of the object store and the amount of free space currently in the object store.

CeGetStoreInformation is a remote application programming interface (RAPI), which enables an application running on a desktop computer to make function calls on a Windows CE–based device.

BOOLCeGetStoreInformation( LPSTORE_INFORMATIONlpsi);


  • lpsi
    [out] Pointer to the STORE_INFORMATION structure to be filled in by this function.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure. To get extended error information, call the CeGetLastError function.


The system reserves that last 24K for high priority system operations. This function always reports 24K storage memory less then what is really available.

Upon a RAPI-related failure, the return value is FALSE.

When working with RAPI for Windows CE 1.0 and 1.01, use the PegGetStoreInformation function.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Rapi.h.
Link Library: Rapi.lib.

See Also

RAPI Functions | CeGetLastError | STORE_INFORMATION

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