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Running the NDIS Performance Test (Windows CE 5.0)

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You must run the NDIS Performance Test both on the Windows CE–based device that you want to test and on a supporting desktop computer with which the Windows CE–based device communicates.

Note   Do not use the VMini virtual network adapter with the NDIS Performance Test. The Vmini interface disables the kernel independent transport layer (KITL) connection between the development workstation and the Windows CE–based device.

To run the NDIS Performance Test on the supporting desktop computer

  1. Set up the supporting desktop computer to run the NDIS Performance Test.

    For more information, see Setting up the Supporting Desktop Computer for the NDIS Performance Test.

  2. Navigate to the directory that you created that contains the Perf_ndis.dll file, and then run the following command, where \Device\{<GUID>} is the bind name of the network interface on the supporting desktop computer:

    tux -o -d perf_ndis -c "-ndisd -nounbind \Device\{<GUID>}"

    On the supporting desktop computer,the NDIS Performance Test displays its output in the command window.

To run the NDIS Performance Test on the Windows CE–based device

  1. Build a run-time image with support for the network interfaces that you want to test.

  2. Download the run-time image to the target device, and then verify that the network interfaces for the target device are functional.

  3. Connect the CETK to the target device.

    For information about connecting the CETK to a target device, see Connecting the CETK to a Target Device by Using Platform Manager.

  4. Run the NDIS Performance Test without modifying the command line to determine the device name of the network interface to test.

    For information about running a single CETK test, see Running CETK Tests.

    The log file generated by the test shows the device names of all network interfaces recognized by the target device.

  5. In the Windows CE Test Kit window, modify the command line for the NDIS Performance Test to specify the device name of the network interface to test.

    For example, to test send throughput for a network interface with the device name PCI\NE20001, specify the following command line:

    tux –o –d perf_ndis –c "-mode send –s PCI\NE20001"
  6. Run the NDIS Performance Test.

See Also

NDIS Performance Test | Command-Line Parameters for the NDIS Performance Test

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