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List View Styles (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the styles that are supported by Windows CE.

List view style Description
LVS_ALIGNLEFT Specifies that items are left-aligned in icon view and small icon view.
LVS_ALIGNTOP Specifies that items are aligned with the top of the list view control in icon view and small icon view.
LVS_AUTOARRANGE Specifies that icons automatically remain arranged in icon view and small icon view.
LVS_EDITLABELS Enables item text to be edited in place. The parent window must process the LVN_ENDLABELEDIT notification message.
LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES Enables items in a list view control to be displayed as check boxes. This style uses item state images to produce the check box effect.
LVS_EX_DISJOINTFOCUS Enables disjoint focus and selection.
LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT Specifies that when an item is selected, the item and all of its subitems are highlighted. This style is available only in conjunction with the LVS_REPORT style.
LVS_EX_GRADIENT Draws a background gradient.
LVS_EX_GRIDLINES Displays gridlines around items and subitems. This style is available only in conjunction with the LVS_REPORT style.
LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP Enables drag-and-drop reordering of columns in a list view control. This style is only available to list view controls that use the LVS_REPORT style.
LVS_EX_INFOTIP Sends an LVN_GETINFOTIP notification message to the parent window before displaying an item's ToolTip when the list-view control uses this style.
LVS_EX_NOFOSUCRECT Disables drawing a focus rectangle for the focused item.
LVS_EX_NOHSCROLL Disables horizontal scrolling.
LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE Sends an LVN_ITEMACTIVATE notification message to the parent window when the user clicks an item. This style also enables hot tracking in the list-view control. Hot tracking means that when the cursor moves over an item, it is highlighted but not selected. If the LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE style is set, only one click is required to select any item, so all items may be selected.
LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES Enables images to be displayed for subitems. This style is available only in conjunction with the LVS_REPORT style.
LVS_EX_TRANSPARENTBKGND Specifies that the background is painted by the parent.
LVS_EX_TWOCLICKACTIVATE Sends an LVN_ITEMACTIVATE notification message to the parent window when the user double-clicks an item. This style also enables hot tracking in the list-view control. Hot tracking means that when the cursor moves over an item, it is highlighted but not selected. If the LVS_EX_TWOCLICKACTIVATE style is set, two clicks are required to select an item. With this style, the item may be selected only after it has been clicked once.
LVS_ICON Specifies icon view.
LVS_LIST Specifies list view.
LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER Specifies that column headers are not displayed by default in report view. This style can only be used with the LVS_REPORT style.
LVS_NOLABELWRAP Displays item text on a single line in icon view. By default, item text might wrap in icon view.
LVS_NOSCROLL Disables scrolling, so all items must be displayed within the client area. This style is not compatible with the LVS_LIST or LVS_REPORT styles.
LVS_NOSORTHEADER Specifies that column headers do not work like buttons. This style is useful if clicking a column header in report view does not carry out any action, such as sorting.
LVS_OWNERDATA Creates a virtual list view control.
LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED Enables the owner window to paint items in report view. The list view control sends a WM_DRAWITEM message to paint each item; it does not send separate messages for each subitem. The itemData member of the DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure contains the item data for the specified list view item.
LVS_REPORT Specifies report view.
LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS Specifies that the control does not destroy the image lists assigned to it when it is destroyed. This style enables the same image lists to be used with multiple list view controls.
LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS Always shows the selection highlighted, even if the control is not activated.
LVS_SINGLESEL Enables only one item to be selected at a time. By default, multiple items can be selected.
LVS_SMALLICON Specifies small icon view.
LVS_SORTASCENDING Sorts items based on item text in ascending order.
LVS_SORTDESCENDING Sorts items based on item text in descending order.

See Also

Control Styles | Window and Message Box Styles

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