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GetPriorityClipboardFormat (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function returns the first available clipboard format in the specified list.

intGetPriorityClipboardFormat(UINT* paFormatPriorityList, intcFormats);


  • paFormatPriorityList
    [in] Pointer to an array of unsigned integers identifying clipboard formats, in priority order. For a description of the standard clipboard formats, see SetClipboardData.
  • cFormats
    [in] Integer that contains the number of entries in the paFormatPriorityList array. This value must not be greater than the number of entries in the list.

Return Values

The first clipboard format in the list for which data is available indicates success. NULL indicates that the clipboard is empty. –1 indicates that the clipboard contains data, but not in any of the specified formats. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


During a copy or cut operation, a window calls SetClipboardData to place data on the clipboard in as many clipboard formats as possible, ordered from the most descriptive clipboard format to the least descriptive. During a paste operation, an application can specify a different format priority order with GetPriorityClipboardFormat. This function returns the first format from the specified list that is found on the clipboard.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Winuser.h.
Link Library: Clipbd.lib.

See Also

CountClipboardFormats | EnumClipboardFormats | GetClipboardFormatName | IsClipboardFormatAvailable | RegisterClipboardFormat | SetClipboardData | Clipboards Functions

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