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DIR (Windows CE 5.0)

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This command displays the files and subdirectories that a directory contains.

DIR [path][file_name][/P][/W][/A[[:]atrributes]][/O[[:]sort_order]]


  • path
    Specifies that path of the directory for which you want to display files and subdirectories.
  • file_name
    Specifies the files that you want to display.
  • /P
    Displays only one screen of information at a time. To see the next screen, press any key on the keyboard.
  • /W
    Displays the list of files in a wide format, with as many as five file names or directory names on each line.
  • /A
    Displays only the files with the attributes that the attributes parameter specifies.
  • attributes
    Specifies the attributes that you want to use to limit the list of the files that the DIR command displays. The following table shows the possible values.
    Value Description
    A Displays only files with the archive attribute set.
    -A Displays only files that do not have the archive attribute set.
    D Displays only directories.
    -D Displays files, but not directories.
    H Displays only files that are hidden.
    -H Displays only files that are not hidden.
    R Displays only read-only files.
    -R Displays only files that are not read-only.
    S Displays only system files.
    -S Displays only files that are not system files.
  • /O
    Sorts the files base on the value of the sort_order parameter.
  • sort_order
    Specifies the value that you want to use for sorting the files. The following table shows the possible values.
    Value Description
    D Sorts files by date, with the earliest file first.
    -D Sorts files by date, with the earliest file last.
    E Sorts files in alphabetical order by file extension.
    -E Sorts files in reverse alphabetical order by file extension.
    G Displays directories in a group before files.
    -G Displays directories in a group after files.
    N Sorts files alphabetically by name.
    -N Sorts files in reverse alphabetical order by name.
    S Sorts files by size, with the smallest file first.
    -S Sorts files by size, with the smallest file last.
  • /T
    Indicates that the DIR command you use the value of the time_field parameter to determine the time used when displaying and sorting the list of files.
  • time_field
    Specifies the time field to use when displaying and sorting the list of files. The following table shows the possible values.
    Value Description
    A Uses the time the file was last accessed.
    C Uses the time the file was created.
    W Uses the time the file was last written.
  • /S
    Displays the contents of subdirectories recursively.
  • /B
    Lists each directory name or file name, one per line, including the file name extension. /B does not display heading information or a summary. /B overrides /W.
  • /L
    Displays file names with lowercase characters.

See Also

Command Processor Commands | Command Processor Shell

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