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Window Class Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the window class functions, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
GetClassInfo This function retrieves information about a window class.
GetClassLong This function retrieves the specified 32-bit (LONG) value from the WNDCLASS structure associated with the specified window.
GetClassName This function retrieves the name of the class to which the specified window belongs.
GetWindowLong This function retrieves information about the specified window.
RegisterClass This function registers a window class for subsequent use in calls to the CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx function.
SetClassLong This function replaces the specified 32-bit (LONG) value at the specified offset into the extra class memory of the WNDCLASS structure for the class to which the specified window belongs.
SetWindowLong This function changes an attribute of the specified window.
UnregisterClass This function removes a window class, freeing the memory required for the class.
UnregisterHotKey This function frees a hot key previously registered by the calling thread.

See Also

Window Class Reference

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