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Scroll Bars Messages (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the scroll bar messages, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
SBM_GETPOS This message is sent by an application to retrieve the current position of the scroll box of a scroll bar control.
SBM_GETRANGE This message is sent by an application to a scroll bar control to retrieve the minimum and maximum position values for the control.
SBM_GETSCROLLINFO This message is sent by an application to retrieve the parameters of a scroll bar.
SBM_SETPOS This message is sent by an application to a scroll bar control to set the position of the scroll box (thumb) and, if requested, redraw the scroll bar to reflect the new position of the scroll box.
SBM_SETRANGE This message is sent by an application to a scroll bar control to set the minimum and maximum position values for the control.
SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW This message is sent by an application to a scroll bar control to set the minimum and maximum position values and to redraw the control.
SBM_SETSCROLLINFO This message is sent by an application to set the parameters of a scroll bar.
WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR This message is sent to the parent window of a scroll bar control when the control is about to be drawn.
WM_HSCROLL This message is sent to a window when a scroll event occurs in the window's standard horizontal scroll bar.
WM_VSCROLL This message is sent to a window when a scroll event occurs in the window's standard vertical scroll bar.

See Also

Scroll Bars Reference

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