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URL Moniker Services Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the URL Moniker Services functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
CoGetClassObjectFromURL This function returns a factory object for a given class identifier (CLSID).
CoInternetCombineUrl This function combines a base and relative URL into a full URL.
CoInternetQueryInfo This function retrieves information related to the specified URL.
CopyBindInfo This function copies the given BINDINFO structure.
CopyStgMedium This function copies the given STGMEDIUM structure.
CreateAsyncBindCtx This function creates an asynchronous bind context for use with asynchronous monikers.
CreateAsyncBindCtxEx This function creates an asynchronous bind context for use with asynchronous monikers.
CreateFormatEnumerator This function creates an object that implements the IEnumFORMATETC interface over a static array of FORMATETC structures.
CreateURLMoniker This function creates a URL moniker from either a full URL string or from a base context URL moniker and a partial URL string.
CreateURLMonikerEx This function creates a URL moniker from either a full URL or from a base context URL moniker and a partial URL.
FindMediaType This function retrieves the 32-bit value assigned to the specified media type.
FindMediaTypeClass This function retrieves the CLSID for the specified media type.
FindMimeFromData This function determines the MIME type from the data provided.
GetClassFileOrMime This function retrieves the CLSID of the object to instantiate for the specified file.
IsAsyncMoniker This function tests to determine whether a moniker supports asynchronous binding.
IsValidURL This function determines if a specified string is a valid URL.
MkParseDisplayNameEx This function creates a moniker to the object that is specified by the given string.
ObtainUserAgentString This function retrieves the user agent string in use.
RegisterBindStatusCallback This function registers a callback interface with an existing bind context.
RegisterFormatEnumerator This function registers a FORMATETC enumerator object onto the given bind context.
RegisterMediaTypeClass This function registers a mapping of media types to CLSIDs to override the default mapping specified in the registry.
RegisterMediaTypes This function registers media type strings.
ReleaseBindInfo This function releases the resources used by the specified BINDINFO structure.
RevokeBindStatusCallback This function revokes a bind status callback interface previously registered on a bind context.
RevokeFormatEnumerator This function removes a format enumerator from the given bind context.
URLDownloadToCacheFile This function downloads data into the Internet cache and returns the file name of the cache location for retrieving the bits.
URLDownloadToFile This function downloads bits from the Internet and saves them to a file.
UrlMkGetSessionOption This function sets options for the current Internet session.
UrlMkSetSessionOption This function sets options for the current Internet session.
URLOpenBlockingStream This function creates a blocking type stream object from a URL and downloads the data from the Internet.
URLOpenPullStream This function creates a pull type stream object from a URL.
URLOpenStream This function creates a push type stream object from a URL.

See Also

URL Moniker Services Reference

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