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IESample Registry Settings (Windows CE 5.0)

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Base registry settings for the IESample browser are stored in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main key.

Note   The default registry values vary depending on which Catalog items are included in your OS design. For more information, see Default Registry Settings.

The following table shows the named values.

Value : Type Description
Start Page : REG_SZ The URL for the default browser start page. If the locale ID is 4011 (Japan), the default URL is For all other locales, the default URL is
Search Page: REG_SZ The URL for the default browser search page. If the locale ID is 4011 (Japan), the default URL is For all other locales, the default URL is
NoNewWindows : REG_DWORD Default setting is 0. If set to 1, this entry blocks the event. In this case, a new window event becomes an in-place navigation event and a window.close event executes a back command.
SBSizeV : REG_DWORD The width of the vertical scrollbar. The valid range is 0 through 400. Setting the value to 0 hides the scrollbar. The default setting is the system metric value SM_CXVSCROLL, which can be obtained by calling the GetSystemMetrics function.
SBSizeH : REG_DWORD The height of the horizontal scrollbar. The valid range is 0 through 400 pixels. Setting the value to 0 hides the scrollbar. The default setting is the system metric value SM_CYHSCROLL, which can be obtained by calling the GetSystemMetrics function.
SmoothScroll: REG_DWORD Default setting is 0. Specifies whether the window should scroll smoothly when scrollbars are used. A non-zero number enables smooth scrolling; however, this may also increase response time.
RegBasedFavorites: REG_DWORD Default value is set to 0. Specifies that favorites are stored in shell folders. Setting this value to 1 enables registry-based favorites.

Cache Settings

Provided your system has sufficient RAM, by raising the default settings for these keys you can reduce the time it takes for the browser to render text and images.

The following table shows the registry settings for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Image Caching key.

Value : Type Description
Cache Size : REG_DWORD Default setting is 1048576 (1024KB). The size of the image cache, in bytes. Doubling the cache size increases performance when displaying images.
Item Size : REG_DWORD Default setting is 131072 (128KB). The maximum size of each cached item.
Max Items : REG_DWORD Default setting is 128. Number of cache entries.

The following table shows the registry settings for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\GLYPHCACHE key.

Value : Type Description
Limit : REG_DWORD Default setting is 00004000 (16KB). The maximum size of the glyph cache. Doubling the cache size to 00008000 (32KB) can improve the rate at which text is rendered.

Application Settings

The following table shows the settings in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile key that register the sample browser container for viewing Web pages. These settings are registered automatically at build time and should be changed only if the name of the browser application is changed.

[Subkeys] and Value : Type Description
\shell\open\command : REG_SZ Default setting is "iesample.exe".
\DefaultIcon : REG_SZ Default setting is "iesample.exe".

The following table shows the settings in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http key that register the sample browser container for URL protocols. These settings are registered automatically at build time and should be changed only if the name of the browser application is changed.

[Subkeys] and Value : Type Description
\http\DefaultIcon : REG_SZ Default setting is "iesample.exe,0".
\http\Shell\Open\Command : REG_SZ Default setting is "iesample.exe %1".
\https\DefaultIcon : REG_SZ Default setting is "iesample.exe,0".
\https\Shell\Open\Command : REG_SZ Default setting is "iesample.exe %1".
\ftp\DefaultIcon : REG_SZ Default setting is "iesample.exe,0".
\ftp\Shell\Open\Command : REG_SZ Default setting is "iesample.exe %1".

The following table shows the settings in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PopupBlocking key that stores settings that configure the popup blocking functionality in IESAMPLE.

Values: Type Description
BlockPopups: REG_DWORD Enables or disables the popup blocking functionality. Default value is 1.
Notify: REG_DWORD Determines whether the user should be notified by the appearance of an icon in the browser status bar when a popup Window is blocked. Default value is 1.

See Also

The IESample Browser | Internet Explorer 6 Default Registry Settings | Internet Explorer 6 Registry Settings

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