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IUPnPDevice::IconURL (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method returns a URL from which an icon of the specified format can be loaded.

HRESULT IconURL(BSTRbstrEncodingFormat,LONGlSizeX,LONGlSizeY,LONGlBitDepth,BSTR* pbstrIconURL);


  • bstrEncodingFormat
    [in] Specifies the MIME type of the encoding format that is requested for the icon.
  • lSizeX
    [in] Specifies the width of the icon, in pixels. Standard values are 16, 32, or 48.
  • lSizeY
    [in] Specifies the height of the icon, in pixels. Standard values are 16, 32, or 48 pixels.
  • lBitDepth
    [in] Specifies the bit depth of the icon. Standard values are 8, 16, or 24.
  • pbstrIconURL
    [out] Receives a reference to a string that contains the URL from which the icon is to be loaded. This string must be released when it is no longer required.

Return Values

  • S_OK
    This method was successful.

Otherwise, the method returns one of the COM error codes defined in WinError.h.


An application can specify any values for lSizeX, lSizeY, and lBitDepth. However, there is no guarantee that an icon exists with those specifications.

If a matching icon does not exist, the URL for the icon that most closely matches the size and bit depth specified is returned.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Upnp.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also


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