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Utilities (Windows CE 5.0)

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In addition to the tools that make up the build system, Platform Builder for Microsoft® Windows® CE includes a set of utilities.

The following table shows the utilities and their functions.

Tool Description
BinCompress Tool (BinCompress.exe) Compresses or decompresses .bin run-time images for use with the x86 basic input/output system (BIOS) boot loader (BIOSloader).
BinMod Tool (BinMod.exe) Extracts files from a run-time image, and replaces files in a run-time image.
CAB Wizard (Cabwiz.exe) Creates cabinet (.cab) files to facilitate installation of drivers or applications on a target device.
Catalog Utility (Pbcec.exe) Adds and removes Catalog item (.cec) files from the Catalog, and lists the Catalog contents.
CeBackup tool (Cebackup.exe) Creates backup copies of Windows CE–based libraries.
Createmui Tool (Createmui.bat) Creates resource files for the Multilingual User Interface.
Cvrtbin Tool (Cvrtbin.exe) Converts read-only memory (ROM) files from binary (.bin) format to SRE or NBX (.nb0) format.
DUMPBIN Tool Displays information about 32-bit Common Object File Format (COFF) object files and their libraries, executable (.exe), and dynamic-link library (.dll) files.
Guidgen Tool (Guidgen.exe) Creates a globally unique identifier (GUID).
Keyboard Layout Generator Tool(Kbdgen.exe) Produces Windows CE Input Language and Device Layout source files from a Windows XP keyboard layout dynamic-link library (.dll) file.
Load CEPC tool (Loadcepc.exe) Loads a run-time image onto an x86-based target device, such as a Windows CE PC-based hardware platform (CEPC).
Readlog Tool (Readlog.exe) Converts CeLog (.clg) files into text (.txt) format.
Viewbin Tool (Viewbin.exe) Displays information about the contents of a run-time image.
Wceload Tool Installs a cabinet (.cab) file on a target device.

See Also

Run-Time Image and OS Directories

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