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Creating a .cec File for an Application (Windows CE 5.0)

To add an application to the Catalog, you first create a Catalog item (.cec) file for the application.

You can use the CEC Editor to create a .cec file for an application that will not be BSP-specific.

To modify the .cec file later, use the CEC Editor.

For information about modifications that you can make, see Catalog Item Files.

To create a Catalog item file

  1. From the Tools menu, choose CEC Editor.

  2. In the CEC Editor window, from the Insert menu, choose Group.

  3. In the Name and Description boxes, type a name and description for your Catalog item.

    For example, in the Name box, type MyCatalogItem.

    Note   When you enter the information in the CEC Editor, you cannot use line feed, punctuation, or carriage return characters. If you use these characters, you cannot import the resulting .cec file into the Catalog.

  4. In the Group field, type a name for the Catalog item group you are creating.

    This field specifies where your item is displayed in the Catalog.

    You can enter additional information about the group. When you are done, choose OK to create a Catalog item group.

    After your .cec file is added to the Catalog, the new Catalog item group appears under a top-level folder named Third Party.

  5. From the File menu, choose Save As.

  6. In the File name field, type a name for your Catalog item and choose Save.

    This creates a .cec file, which contains information about your Catalog item that can include the Catalog item name, its globally unique identifier (GUID), and build methods.

    Note   If you save a .cec file using a file name extension other than .cec, the CEC Editor does not notify you that the file is not saved in the correct format. To save a .cec file, use only the .cec file name extension.

See Also

How to Add an Application to the Catalog | CEC Editor | Catalog Item Files

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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