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coredll Module (Windows CE 5.0)

The coredll module is the basic operating system (OS) module that provides core functionality to other modules. This module must be present in all OS designs, but not all of its components are always required.

The coredll component includes functions for configuring the OS. These functions are defined in the Celog.h, Pkfuncs.h, Pwinreg.h, Pwinuser.h, and Windbase.h header files. To import these functions, you must link to the coredll.lib file.


The following table shows the components contained in the coredll module.

Component Description Note Library
accel_c Provides client-side support for user accelerator tables. Optional. Accel_c.lib
battery Sample streams interface battery driver. Implements the Model Device Driver (MDD) and includes a sample Platform Dependent Driver (PDD). Exposes the Streams interface to the Device Manager. Battdrvr.lib
coregwestub Stub function for the gwes module. Optional and exposes no public functions. Coregwestub.lib
coreimm Input Method Manager (IMM) component. Optional. Coreimm.lib
coreimmstub Provides an abstraction layer for IMM. Optional and exposes no public functions. Coreimmstub.lib
coreloc Provides global national language support (NLS). This component is required to address locales beyond U.S. English. Optional. Coreloc.lib
coremain Provides base functionality for time, critical sections, and interlock. Required. Coremain.lib
coresioa Supports standard I/O (stdio). This component is the A (ASCII) version of these application programming interfaces (APIs). Optional. Coresioa.lib
coresiow Supports stdio. This component is the W (Unicode) version of these APIs. Optional. Coresiow.lib
coresip Input-panel component. Optional. Coresip.lib
corestra Supports sprintf-style string handling. This component is the "A" (ASCII) version of these APIs. Optional. Corestra.lib
corestrw Supports sscanf-style string handling. This component is the W (wide-string) version of this API. Optional. Corestrw.lib
crt_cpp_seh Supports structured exception handling. Optional. Crtcppseh.lib
crt_rtti Supports Run-Time Type Information (RTTI). Optional. Ccrtrtti.lib
cryptapi Supports the Crypto API 1.0 set. Optional. Coredll.lib
devload Exports driver-related helper functions. Optional. devload.lib
fiber Supports fiber execution and scheduling. Optional. Exposes no public functions. fiber.lib
fileinfo Retrieves information about files and directories. Optional. Fileinfo.lib
fileopen Supports the Open and Save As common dialog boxes. Optional. Fileopen.lib
fmtmsg Message-formatting component. Optional. Fmtmsg.lib
fmtres Provides FormatMessage API resources for the fmtmsg component. Optional and exposes no public functions. Fmtres.lib
fpemul Floating-point emulation component. Optional and exposes no public functions. Fpemul.lib
full_crt Contains the complete set of CRT run-time libraries for Windows CE. Optional. Fullcrt.lib
lmem Contains the local heap and memory-allocation functions for Coredll.dll. This component is always required. Required. Lmem.lib
locmini Subset of the Locale API for the US locale only. Optional. Locmini.lib
locusa US-specific component. Optional. Locusa.lib
messagedialogboxthunk Supports a headless message box. Optional. Exposes no public functions. messagedialogbox.lib
mgdi_c GDI component. Optional. Mgdi_c.lib
mmacm Audio Compression Manager component. Optional. Exposes no public functions. mmacm.lib
mmacmui Provides a user interface (UI) for the Audio Compression Manager. Optional. Exposes no public functions. mmacmui.lib
mmmix Audio mixer component. Optional. Exposes no public functions. mmmix.lib
mmsnd Supports sound playing. Optional. Exposes no public functions. mmsnd.lib
mmwave Provides an audio waveform service. Optional. Exposes no public functions. mmwave.lib
multiui Supports the Multilanguage UI. Optional. Exposes no public functions. multiui.lib
rectapi GDI rectangle support component. Optional. Rectapi.lib
rsa32 RSA encryption component. Exposes no public functions. Rsa32.lib
serdev Microsoft® Win32®communication component. Optional. Serdev.lib
shcore Shell component. Exposes no public functions. Shcore.lib
shellapis Shell API support component. Optional. Shell.lib
shexec Shell API support component. Optional. Shexec.lib
shmisc Miscellaneous shell API component. Optional. Shmisc.lib
shortcut Provides shell API support for handling shortcuts. Optional. Shortcut.lib
tapilib TAPI component. Optional and exposes no public functions. Tapilib.lib
thunks Kernel to the Win32 thunk routines component. This component is always required. Required and exposes no public functions. Thunks.lib
wmgr_c Window manager component. Optional. Wmgr_c.lib

accel_c Component

The accel_c component provides client-side support for user accelerator tables.

The accel_c component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the C_accel.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Accel_c.lib file.

coreimm Component

The coreimm component supports the Input Method Manager (IMM). The IMM handles communication between input method editors and applications.

The coreimm component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Winuser.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Coreimm.lib file. For more information, see Input Method Manager (IMM) Functions.

coreloc Component

The coreloc component provides global national language support (NLS) for all locales supported by the Windows CE-based CE operating system. This component is required if the OS image has any locales other than 0409 (US English). To address locales other than US English, coreloc provides full functionality for all the NLS APIs. CoreLoc is the largest of the 3 options for supporting the NLS APIs.

The coreloc component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Winsl.h header file. To import these functions, you must to link to the Coreloc.lib file. For more information, see National Language Support (NLS) Functions!ALink("wce50grfNationalLanguageSupportNLSFunctions").

coremain Component

The coremain component provides base functionality for time, critical sections, and interlock.

The coremain component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Winbase.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Coremain.lib file. For more information about Critical Section functions, see Synchronization Functions.

coresioa Component

The coresioa component supports the A (ASCII) version of stdio. The APIs that are supported by coresioa are part of the C run-time library functions.

The coresioa component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Stdio.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Coresioa.lib file.

coresiow Component

The coresiow component supports the Unicode version of stdio. The APIs that are supported by coresiow are part of the C run-time library functions.

The coresiow component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Stdio.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Coresiow.lib file.

coresip Component

The coresip component provides input-panel support.

The coresip component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Sipapi.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Coresip.lib file.

corestra Component

The corestra component supports the A (ASCII) version of sprintf-style string handling.

The corestra component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Stdlib.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Corestra.lib file.

corestrw Component

The corestrw component supports the Unicode version of sprintf-style string handling.

The corestrw component includes a function for application developers, which is defined in the Stdlib.h header file. To import this function, you must link to the Corestrw.lib file.

cryptapi Component

The cryptapi component supports cryptography. Cryptography provides a way to distribute files in secret code, or cipher, so that only intended recipients can read them. Cryptography helps to provide security for data and communication in your Windows CE–based application.

The cryptapi component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Wincrypt.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Coredll.lib file.

devload Component

This component exports driver-related helper functions.

This component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Devload.h header file. To import this function, you must link to the Devload.lib file.

fileinfo Component

The fileinfo component is a shell-related component of the coredll module that retrieves information about files and directories.

The fileinfo component includes a function for application developers, which is defined in the Shellapi.h header file. To import this function, you must link to the Fileinfo.lib file.

fileopen Component

The fileopen component supports the Open and Save As common dialog boxes.

The fileopen component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Commdlg.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Fileopen.lib file.

fmtmsg Component

The fmtmsg component supports message formatting.

The fmtmsg component includes a function for application developers, which is defined in the Winbase.h header file. To import this function, you must link to the Fmtmsg.lib file.

lmem Component

The lmem component provides local heap and memory allocation.

The lmem component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Winbase.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Lmem.lib file.

locmini Component

The locmini component provides a subset of the national language support (NLS) APIs for the US locale only in order to minimize device memory requirements. LocMini is the smallest of the 3 options for supporting NLS APIs.

locusa Component

The locusa component provides national language support (NLS) for the United States. It exposes the same APIs as the coreloc Component but requires less memory because it only supports locale 0409 and associated NLS data. SetLocaleData API functionality is reduced to maximize memory usage.

The locusa component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Winnsl.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Locusa.lib file.

mgdi_c Component

The mgdi_c component provides support for the graphics device interface (GDI). The GDI is responsible for the display of text and images on display devices and printers. It processes graphical function calls from a Windows CE-based application and passes them to the appropriate device driver. The driver generates the output on the display hardware.

The mgdi_c component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Wingdi.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Mgdi_c.lib file.

rectapi Component

The rectapi component provides GDI support for rectangles.

The rectapi component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Winuser.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Rectapi.lib file.

serdev Component

The serdev component supports serial device drivers.

The serdev component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Winbase.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Serdev.lib file.

shellapis Component

The shellapis component provides minimal shell functionality for Windows CE–based target device.

The shellapis component includes functions for application developers, which is defined in the Shellapi.h header file. To import this function, you must link to the Shexec.lib file.

shexec Component

The shexec component provides minimal shell functionality and supports the ShellExecuteEx function.

The shexec component includes a function for application developers, which is defined in the Shellapi.h header file. To import this function, you must link to the Shexec.lib file.

shmisc Component

The shmisc component provides minimal shell functionality and supports miscellaneous shell APIs.

The shmisc component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Shellapi.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Shmisc.lib file.

shortcut Component

The shortcut component provides support for shell-related shortcuts.

The shortcut component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Shellapi.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Shortcut.lib file.

wmgr_c Component

The wmgr_c component implements the window manager.

The wmgr_c component includes functions for application developers, which are defined in the Winuser.h header file. To import these functions, you must link to the Wmgr_c.lib file.

See Also

Common Windows CE Modules | Core OS Services

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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