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Choosing an Ethernet Card for a CEPC (Windows CE 5.0)

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In order to establish an Ethernet connection from your development workstation to your CEPC, you need to choose an Ethernet card for your CEPC that is supported by your boot loader and run-time image. If you choose a single PCI debug Ethernet card, you do not need to edit the Autoexec.bat file. If you choose an ISA debug Ethernet card, you must edit the Autoexec.bat file on the boot floppy disk before downloading an run-time image, because ISA Ethernet cards have a specific interrupt (NET_IRQ) and I/O (NET_IOBASE) values that depend on the ISA Ethernet card. For information about setting NET_IRQ and NET_IOBASE values for your Ethernet card, see Editing the Autoexec.bat File for an x86 SDB. For more information about connecting to a CEPC through Ethernet, see Configuring an Ethernet Remote Connection.

For PCI-based debug Ethernet cards, the PCI vendor and device identifiers in a table located in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Inc\HalEther.h determine the Ethernet card type.

To choose an Ethernet card for a CEPC

  • Choose a NE2000-compabile, RTL8139-compatible, DP83815, or 3Com** 3c90x Ethernet card.

    Note   If you choose a PCI Ethernet card that is not detected and the Ethernet card is not compatible with NE2000 or SMC9000, you may need to update the device identifiers in the CEPCEdbgVendorIds array. For the boot loader, this array is in %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\CEPC\Eboot\Main.c.

    The following table shows the Ethernet cards currently recognized by the CEPC.

    Vendor identifier Device identifier MAC Type Name Manufacturer
    0x0000 0x0000 0x004033 NE2000-compatible AD Addtron**
    0x1050 0x0940 0x004005 NE2000-compatible LS LinkSys**
    0x1050 0x0940 0x002078 NE2000-compatible LS LinkSys**
    0x10EC 0x8029 0x00C0F0 NE2000-compatible KS Kingston**
    0x10EC 0x8129 0x000000 RTL8139-compatible RT RealTek**
    0x10EC 0x8139 0x00900B RTL8139-compatible RT RealTek**
    0x10EC 0x8139 0x00D0C9 RTL8139-compatible RT RealTek**
    0x10EC 0x8139 0x00E04C RTL8139-compatible RT RealTek**
    0x1186 0x1300 0x0050BA RTL8139-compatible DL D-Link**
    0x100B 0x0020 0x00A0CC DP83815 NG Netgear**
    0x10B7 0x9050 0x006008 3Com 3c90x 3C 3Com**
    0x10B7 0x9200 0x000476 3Com 3c90x 3C 3Com**

    **The non-Microsoft software and hardware referenced in these documents are included for illustrative purposes only. Illustrations that use such third-party software and hardware as examples are not intended to be an endorsement or recommendation of any of these products. We provide this information only as a convenience for our customers for purposes of explaining a practical application and do not provide warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

See Also

How-to Topics | How to Set Up a CEPC | Choosing and Testing a Video Card for a CEPC | Editing the Autoexec.bat File for an x86 SDB

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