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Building a CEPC Run-Time Image for Use with an Ethernet Card (Windows CE 5.0)

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Before building a run-time image to use with an Ethernet card, open an existing OS design that includes the CEPC board support package (BSP). To build a run-time image for use with an Ethernet card, verify that your OS design includes the correct Ethernet card support, optionally add support for a network card, and then build your run-time image.

If you have not previously configured an OS design, you can use the New Platform Wizard to create an OS design based on the CEPC board support package (BSP). For information about creating an OS design, see Creating an OS Design.

To verify that your OS design includes support for the type of Ethernet card that you installed on your CEPC

  1. In the Workspace window, choose the OSDesignView tab.

  2. Expand <OS design name> Catalog items, and then navigate to CEPC: x86\Device Drivers\Networking\Local Area Networking (LAN) devices.

  3. Verify that the Local Area Networking (LAN) devices node includes a branch that corresponds to the type of network card installed in your CEPC.

    For example, if you are using an ISA network card, verify that under the Local Area Networking (LAN) devices node there is an NE2000-compatible (ISA card) branch.

If the Local Area Networking (LAN) devices node does not include a branch for your Ethernet card, add support for your Ethernet card to the OS design. The following procedure shows how to add support for an Ethernet card.

To add support for an Ethernet card to an OS design

  1. In the Catalog window, expand the Catalog node.

  2. Navigate to Device Drivers\Networking\Local Area Networking (LAN) devices.

  3. If you installed an NE2000-compatible PCI card on your CEPC, right-click on NE2000-compatible (PCI card), and then choose Add to OS Design.

    - or -

    If you installed an NE2000-compatible ISA card on your CEPC, right-click on NE2000-compatible (ISA card), and then choose Add to OS Design.

    - or -

    Right-click on the entry that matches the description of the network card installed on your CEPC, and then choose Add to OS Design.

To build your CEPC run-time image that supports an Ethernet card

  1. From the Build OS menu, verify that Copy Files to Release Directory After Build and Make Run-Time Image After Build are selected.
  2. From the Build OS menu, choose Sysgen.

See Also

How to Add a CEPC to an Ethernet Network | Build Phases | Configuring Multiple Ethernet Cards for a CEPC

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