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This structure stores information that describes the microprocessor.

typedef __PROCESSOR_INFO {WORDwVersion;WCHARszProcessCore[40];WORDwCoreRevision;WCHARszProcessorName[40];WORDwProcessorRevision;WCAHRszCatalogNumber[100];WCHARszVendor[100];DWORDdwInstructionSet;DWORDdwClockSpeed;} PROCESSOR_INFO, *PPROCESSOR_INFO;


  • wVersion
    Must be set to 1.


  • szProcessCore
    Name of the microprocessor core (for example, MIPS or ARM).

    Not required.

  • wCoreRevision
    Revision number of the microprocessor core.

    Not required.

  • szProcessorName
    Set to the actual microprocessor name, for example, R4111.

    Not a required parameter.

  • wProcessorRevision
    Microprocessor revision number.

    Not required.

  • szCatalogNumber
    Set to the catalog number for the processor.

    Not required.

  • szVendor
    Set to the name of the microprocessor vendor.

    Not required.

  • dwInstructionSet

    The following flags are possible for this microprocessor.

    Flag Description
    PROCESSOR_FLOATINGPOINT The microprocessor has hardware floating point enabled.

    This flag is set if the WprocessorLevel parameter of the SYSTEM_INFO structure indicates that the current microprocessor is a MIPS R4300 or x86 with hardware floating point.

    If the target CPU for your OS image is R4300 or i486 with hardware floating point, this flag must be set to report hardware floating point support.

    On i486 images that do not have hardware floating point, such as the 486SX, this bit is not set.

    PROCESSOR_DSP The microprocessor has DSP support enabled.

    If your device has a DSP that can be used by an application, this should be reported by setting this flag.

    PROCESSOR_16BITINSTRUCTION The microprocessor supports a 16-bit instruction set.

    If the WprocessorLevel parameter of the SYSTEM_INFO structure indicates that the current MIPS microprocessor is a MIPS R4000, this signifies that the microprocessor also support the MIPS16 instruction set.

    If the target CPU for your OS image is R4111, this flag must be set if MIPS16 support needs to be reported.

  • dwClockSpeed
    Maximum clock speed of the CPU.

    Not required.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Pkfuncs.h.

See Also


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