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Getting Object States

The state of a cluster object indicates the operational status and availability of the object with respect to the cluster. Applications can check an object's state to verify that a requested state change has taken place, to determine whether an object is available for use, or simply to display the information to a user.

To check an object's state

  1. Use one of the following API elements to obtain state information about an object.

    Cluster object Function
    Cluster GetNodeClusterState
    Group GetClusterGroupState
    Network GetClusterNetworkState
    Network Interface GetClusterNetInterfaceState
    Resource GetClusterResourceState


  2. The function will return an enumerated constant describing the object's state. If your routine will display the information to users, translate the numeric value into a meaningful message.

Example Code

The following example calls GetClusterResourceState and returns a string describing the state of a resource.

#include <windows.h>


#include "ClusDocEx.h"


//  ClusDocEx_ResDescribeState
//  Returns a description of the current state of a resource.
//  Callers must call LocalFree on the returned pointer.
//  Arguments:
//      IN HRESOURCE hResource    Handle to the resource to poll.
//  Return Value
//      String describing the state of the resource.  Call LocalFree
//      on the returned pointer.
ClusDocEx_ResDescribeState( HRESOURCE hResource )
    DWORD dwState;

    LPWSTR lpszStatus = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, ClusDocEx_DEFAULT_CB );

    dwState = GetClusterResourceState( hResource,
                                       NULL );

    if( lpszStatus != NULL )
        switch( dwState )
        case ClusterResourceInitializing:
            lpszStatus = L"Initializing: The resource is performing initialization.";

        case ClusterResourceOnline:
            lpszStatus = L"Online: The resource is operational and functioning normally.";

        case ClusterResourceOffline:
            lpszStatus = L"Offline: The resource is not operational.";

        case ClusterResourceFailed:
            lpszStatus = L"Failed: The resource not operational.";

        case ClusterResourcePending:
            lpszStatus = L"Pending: The resource is in the process of coming online or going offline.";

        case ClusterResourceOnlinePending:
            lpszStatus = L"Online Pending: The resource is in the process of coming online.";

        case ClusterResourceOfflinePending:
            lpszStatus = L"Offline Pending: The resource is in the process of going offline.";

            lpszStatus = L"Unknown state";

    return lpszStatus;
//  end ClusDocEx_ResDescribeState