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retry-error Element

The <retry-error> element contains information about an object that could not be synchronized.





Child Elements

Element Description


The stage of synchronization when the error occurred.


The date, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), when this instance of the error occurred. The format is documented in the Remarks section.


The value indicates the type of error that occurred. The element can contain an <extension-error-info> element. The <extension-error-info> element provides additional information as to the cause of the error. For more information, see <extension-error-info>, later in this topic.

The following are the possible values for this element:

extension-projection-object-type-not-setThe implementation of the IMASynchronization.ShouldProjectToMV method in the rules extension does not specify the metaverse object type.
extension-projection-invalid-object-typeThe implementation of the IMASynchronization.ShouldProjectToMV method in the rules extension sets the value of the outbound metaverse object type to a value that is not listed in Metaverse Designer of Identity Manager. Check that the method uses one of the specified object type values.
extension-join-resolution-invalid-object-typeThe implementation of the IMASynchronization.ResolveJoinSearch method in the rules extension sets the value of the outbound metaverse object type to a value that is not listed in Metaverse Designer of Identity Manager. Check that the method sets the value of the outbound metaverse object type to one of the listed object type values.
extension-join-resolution-index-out-of-boundsThe implementation of the IMASynchronization.ResolveJoinSearch method in the rules extension set an index value that is less than zero or greater than the number of metaverse entry objects.
join-object-id-must-be-single-valuedThe data source attribute value used to join a metaverse object through a join rule specified in the properties of a management agent in Identity Manager contains more than one value. The data source attribute value used in the join rule can only contain a single value.
exported-change-not-reimportedChanges exported to a management agent were not reconfirmed during this import management agent run. A user or a system process operating outside Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 has changed the data in the connected directory in a way that conflicts with the export attribute flow rules configured for Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003. Alternately, this value indicates a configuration problem where the export attribute flow rule is trying to flow a value to a connected directory object, but the connected directory automatically resets the value to something different without reporting an error to the management agent. The <change-not-reimported> element indicates which changes were not reconfirmed.


This gives the contextual information about an exception, and in some cases the call stack of an exception.

This element is present for some of the <error-type> values.

For the following values, the contextual information and call stack will appear:

  • extension-dll-exception
  • extension-entry-point-not-implemented
  • extension-unexpected-attribute-value

For the following values, only contextual information will appear :

  • extension-dll-crash
  • extension-dll-timeout
  • extension-projection-object-type-not-set
  • extension-projection-invalid-object-type
  • extension-join-resolution-invalid-object-type
  • extension-deprovisioning-invalid-result
For the meaning of these values, see <error-type>.


Identifies the rule that caused the import error. Full rule error information is included whenever Identity Integration Server detects an error condition or an exception is thrown when mapping an attribute for attribute flow or join. The following <error-type> element values result in full rule error information appearing in this element:

  • extension-dll-exception
  • extension-dll-crash
  • extension-dll-timeout
  • extension-entry-point-not-implemented
  • extension-unexpected-attribute-valueflow-multi-values-to-single-value
  • cs-attribute-type-mismatch
  • dn-index-out-of-bounds
  • ambiguous-export-flow-to-single-valued-attribute
  • mv-constraint-violation
  • cannot-parse-dn-component
  • cannot-parse-object-id

For more information about these values, see <error-type>.

Errors in the implementation of the following methods results in full rule error information appearing in this element:

Parent Elements



Child Element Sequence

The tree shows the ordering and number of child elements. Child elements in a Sequence must appear in the order given and child elements in a Choice are mutually exclusive. Sequences and Choices can be nested. Element names are followed by the minimum and maximum occurrences.

    date-occurred (Exactly 1)
    algorithm-step (Exactly 1)
    error-type (Exactly 1)
    extension-error-info (Minimum = 0; Maximum = 1)
    rule-error-info (Minimum = 0; Maximum = 1)


The UTC format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff.

Format specifier Description
yyyy Specifies the four-digit year.
MM Specifies the two-digit month in the range from 1 through 12.
dd Specifies the two-digit day of the month in the range from 1 through 31.
HH Specifies the-two digit hour of the day in 24-hour format in the range from 0 through 23.
mm Specifies the two-digit minute of the day in the range from 0 through 59.
ss Specifies the two-digit second of the day in the range from 0 through 59.
fff Specifies the three-digit fractions of a second in the range from 0 through 999.

Element Information

Can be empty No

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Build date: 2/16/2009