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Execute Method of the MIIS_ManagementAgent Class

The Execute method executes the specified run profile of the management agent. To use this method, you must be logged on as a member of the MIISOperators security group or the MIISAdmins security group. This method is a synchronous call that will not return a value until the run profile is complete or until a step in the run profile stops because of errors.
Warning  Do not run a management agent through a script when deleting any management agent because you can cause a failed run or corrupt a management agent configuration.


string Execute(
  [in]  string RunProfileName


  • RunProfileName [in]
    Contains the display name of the run profile of the management agent.

Return Value

Returns a string that contains the final status of the run profile. The return value can be one of the following values or one of the values listed in WMI Provider Return Strings.

Return code Description


The run step failed to start because the user name and password that were supplied do not belong to a member of the MIISAdmins or MIISOperators group on the server. Only members of those groups can run management agents.

Verify that the credentials used to run the management agent belong to a member of the MIISAdmins or MIISOperators group.


The run step failed to start because two management agents of the same type are running concurrently. Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 supports running management agents concurrently except for the management agent for Lotus Notes Release 4.6 or 5.0.


The run step failed to start because the run profile name specified in the RunProfileName parameter is not recognized or does not exist.

Verify that the RunProfileName is correct.


The run step failed to start because the run profile name specified in the RunProfileName parameter is already running. You can run only one run profile of a management agent at a time. However, you can run several run profiles at the same time if the run profiles are from different management agents.

Stop the run profile that is currently running or wait until the run profile has finished running before starting another management agent run profile.


The run step failed to start because a new management agent is being created or an existing management agent is being modified or deleted. You cannot run a management agent when a new management agent is being created or an existing management agent is being modified or deleted.

Wait until the management agent has been created, deleted, or modified before starting a management agent run profile.


The run step failed to start because there is no working directory or a working directory could not be created for the management agent.

Verify that you have write access to the management agent folder, which is called, by default, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Identity Integration Server\MaData.


The run step failed because the run profile contains a step that works on a partition that has been deleted. The server will remove steps from a run profile that refers to a deleted partition.

Verify that the run steps use partitions that exist.


The method successfully ran the specified run profile name.


To stop a management agent run that was started in a script, use the MIIS_ManagementAgent.Stop method. Do not use the keystroke combination Ctrl-C to stop a management agent run started from a script. Using the keystroke combination Ctrl-C stops the script engine but not the management agent run.


The following example shows you how to use Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) to run a specified run profile of a management agent. This example runs the Full import run profile of the Fabrikam HR MA management agent.

Option Explicit

On Error Resume Next

Dim Service
Dim ManagementAgent

Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer")
Set ManagementAgent = Service.Get("MIIS_ManagementAgent.Name='" & "Fabrikam HR MA" & "'")
WScript.Echo "Running " + + ".Execute(""Full Import"")..."
WScript.Echo "Run completed with result: " + ManagementAgent.Execute("Full Import")

Sub ErrorHandler (ErrorMessage)
  WScript.Echo ErrorMessage
End Sub


Product ILM 2007 FP1
MOF Mmswmi.mof

See Also

WMI Provider Return Strings

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Build date: 2/16/2009