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ma-object-error Element

The <ma-object-error> element stores information about a parsing error or an object error.





Child Elements

Element Description


Indicates the anchor of the object with error on it.

Note  Reported by management agents if they have this information available. This is not shown in the user interface, but is available when the run history is saved to file.


Gives the context for the case of a mismatch on either the type of attribute or whether an attribute contains a single value.


This element allows the management agent to report additional connected directory specific information about the error.


Indicates the column number at or near where the problem occurred.

Note  Only used by the file management agent.


Indicates the distinguished name (DN) of the object for which the error occurred.

Note  Reported by management agents if they have this information available. In the case of flat file management agent (with no configured DN attribute) and database management agents, if an anchor component is missing, no DN will be available. File management agents also may not have report a DN if there are problems parsing the element.


Indicates which record the error returns to.

Note  Only used by the management agent for Sun ONE Directory Server 4.1x and 5.x (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) and Netscape Directory Server 4.1 and 6.01 in delta mode, and by the file management agent.


A description of the discovery error. The list of errors is described in the Remarks section.


Indicates the line number at or near where the problem occurred.

Note  Only used by the file management agent.

Parent Elements



Child Element Sequence

The tree shows the ordering and number of child elements. Child elements in a Sequence must appear in the order given and child elements in a Choice are mutually exclusive. Sequences and Choices can be nested. Element names are followed by the minimum and maximum occurrences.

    error-type (Exactly 1)
    line-number (Minimum = 0; Maximum = 1)
    column-number (Minimum = 0; Maximum = 1)
    entry-number (Minimum = 0; Maximum = 1)
    dn (Minimum = 0; Maximum = 1)
    attribute-name (Minimum = 0; Maximum = 1)
    anchor (Minimum = 0; Maximum = 1)
    cd-error (Minimum = 0; Maximum = 1)


The following are the possible values for the <error-type> element.

Value Description
missing-change-type Returned during a delta import run by a file management agent, database management agent, or the management agent for Sun ONE Directory Server 4.1x and 5.x (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) and Netscape Directory Server 4.1 and 6.01 when the change type column value (for example, add, modify, delete) is not present.
invalid-change-type Returned either during a LDIF full import, or during a delta import run by a file management agent, database management agent, or the management agent for Sun ONE Directory Server 4.1x and 5.x (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) and Netscape Directory Server 4.1 and 6.01 when the change type column value doesn't match the list of valid changes types.
multi-valued-change-type Returned during a delta import run by a file management agent or the management agent for Sun ONE Directory Server 4.1x and 5.x (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) and Netscape Directory Server 4.1 and 6.01 when more than one value for the change type is present.
need-full-object Returned during a delta import run of a file management agent or when resuming from a file management agent. It indicates the management agent has submitted a modification on an object which cannot be located in the connector space. The synchronization engine is requesting the current values of all attributes on the object. Since this is an import from a file, that information is not available. A full import run will take care of this problem.
missing-dn Returned for file management agents (LDIF, DSML, or flat file with configured distinguished name attribute) when there is no distinguished name value. This is also returned in the case of a corrupted Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 change log where the distinguished name attribute is missing. It indicates the management agent could read the element and parse it, but there was no distinguished name value for the object.
dn-not-ldap-conformant Returned when a management agent for LDAP, LDIF, or DSML, or a flat file with a configured distinguished name attribute reports a distinguished name value that does not conform to the LDAP specification.
invalid-dn Returned when an management agent reports that a distinguished name does not meet an Identity Integration Server constraint, which includes:

  • One or more characters that are not allowed by Identity Integration Server
  • An empty RDN
  • An RDN exceeding the maximum for Identity Integration Server
  • The number of hierarchy levels of the distinguished name exceeded the maximum for Identity Integration Server
missing-anchor-component Returned by a file management agent, database management agent or iPlanet 4.0 management agent when the anchor could not be constructed because one or more anchor construction rule attributes did not have values.
multi-valued-anchor-component Returned by the management agent for Sun ONE Directory Server 4.1x and 5.x (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) and Netscape Directory Server 4.1 and 6.01 indicating the management agent could not construct the anchor because an anchor construction rule attribute had more than one value.
anchor-too-long Returned by the database management agent, files management agent or the management agent for Sun ONE Directory Server 4.1x and 5.x (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) and Netscape Directory Server 4.1 and 6.01 indicating the management agent anchor construction produced an anchor which exceeded the maximum size limit for Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003.
duplicate-object Returned on full imports by either a file management agent or a database management agent. It indicates an object with the same anchor has already been reported to the synchronization engine during this run.
missing-object-class Returned by either a file management agent (DSML, LDIF, or a flat file management agent with a configured object class attribute) or in the case of a corrupted Sun ONE Directory Server 4.1x and 5.x (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) and Netscape Directory Server 4.1 and 6.01 change log. This indicates that the management agent could not read a value for the object class attribute.
missing-object-type Returned when doing a resume of import from a corrupted drop file.

Note  This error should not be encountered during normal operation.

unmappable-object-type Returned by a file management agent when it reads an object which has a set of object class values that cannot be matched to any of the prefix mappings.
parse-error Returned by the management agent for Sun ONE Directory Server 4.1x and 5.x (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) and Netscape Directory Server 4.1 and 6.01 in delta mode and by a file management agent when it cannot parse an entry. The <entry-number> element (and in most cases <line-number> and <column-number>) will be present to help locate the error. The <attribute-name> element may be present. The Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 management agent will terminate the run when this is encountered. The file management agent will log the discovery error and continue.
read-error Returned by a call based management agent when there is a generic error reading a particular object. This generally causes termination of the run. The connected directory error element will be present to help troubleshoot the problem.
staging-error Returned by most management agents, including the management agent for Sun ONE Directory Server 4.1x and 5.x (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) and Netscape Directory Server 4.1 and 6.01. It indicates the synchronization engine could not stage the delta in the connector space. The server will create an event log giving information about the problem that can be used for troubleshooting. Most management agents will continue the import run when the error is logged, but Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 delta runs will stop because gaps in the change log processing could be cause an inconsistent state in the connector space.

Note  This error should not be encountered during normal operation.

invalid-reference-value Returned by a management agent indicating a distinguished name does not meet Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 constraints, which include:

  • One or more characters that are not allowed by Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003
  • An empty RDN
  • An RDN exceeding the maximum for Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003
  • The number of hierarchy levels of the distinguished name exceeded the maximum for Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003

The following <error-type> elements include an <attribute-name> element to give the context of the error.

Value Description
invalid-modification-type Returned during a delta import on an LDIF management agent under two conditions: when a value modification type is not one of the standard LDIF modification types; when there is a non-replace LDIF delta on objectclass, such as

add: objectclass



conflicting-modification-types Returned during a delta import on an LDIF management agent under two conditions: When there are different attribute level modification types in the same record (in this case the attribute name which produced the conflicting types is reported); when multiple replace LDIF objectclass deltas are seen in the same file, such as:

replace: objectclass

objectclass: group

replace: objectclass

objectclass: user

multi-single-mismatch Returned by a file management agent when the management agent reports more than one value add or more than one value delete for an attribute that is defined in Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 as being a single valued attribute. This error may indicate that the connected directory schema stored with Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 was incorrectly specified (file management agents) or out of date with the current connected directory schema.
invalid-attribute-value Returned by a called-based management agent when an attribute value is read that does not conform to the attribute type declared in schema.
invalid-base64-value Returned by the LDIF management agent, DSML management agent or Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 management agent when they fail to parse a base64-encoded value.
invalid-numeric-value Returned by a file management agent or an LDAP management agent when they are unable to parse a numeric value.
invalid-boolean-value Returned by a file management agent or an LDAP management agent when they are unable to parse a Boolean value.
reference-value-not-ldap-conformant Returned by an LDAP management agent, LDIF management agent, DSML management agent or flat file (with configured distinguished name attribute) indicating a distinguished name value does not conform to the LDAP specification.
unsupported-value-type Returned by an LDIF management agent when a file reference is specified for an attribute which is not of the string attribute type. This is also returned by the DSML management agent when a URI reference is specified for an attribute which is not of the string attribute type.

If a file reference needs to be interpreted, set up a scripted import attribute flow and parse the value to discover the file reference the string points to.

locking-error-needs-retry Returned by a management agent when another management agent is trying to synchronize the same connector spaces object. To resolve this error, rerun the management agent a second time and error should not reoccur.

Note  This is an error for runs involving full import or full synchronization, and a warning in the following cases:

  • A delta-import to a file
  • A delta-import stage to the connector space
  • A delta-import, delta synchronization
  • A delta synchronization from the connector space
  • A delta synchronization from a file

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Build date: 2/16/2009