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Example: User with Mail Access Through a Web Browser

The following example shows how to provision an object for a user who can access e-mail through a Web browser. The identification file is stored as an attachment, and the password for the identification file is "FilePassword". The password for the Web-based e-mail access is the employee identification number of the user.

Important  Change the value of the "_MMS_Password" property to a different value than the value that is shown in the code example.

If you are referencing a file that is located in a folder for the CSEntry.DN value, such as the file for the Notes Address Book (NAB) value, use a forward slash (/) to separate the folder name from the file name: for example, folder/file name.

    Public Sub Provision(ByVal mventry As MVEntry) _
        Implements IMVSynchronization.Provision
        Dim ManagementAgent As ConnectedMA
        Dim Connectors As Integer
        Dim csentry As CSEntry
        Dim DNName As String
        Dim DNCertifier As String = "O=Main"
        If mventry("EmployeeStatus").IsPresent _
            AndAlso mventry("EmployeeStatus").Value.Equals("active") Then
            ManagementAgent = mventry.ConnectedMAs("Lotus Notes MA")
            Connectors = ManagementAgent.Connectors.Count
            If 0 = Connectors Then
                csentry = ManagementAgent.Connectors.StartNewConnector("person")
                DNName = mventry("sn").Value
                If mventry("middleName").IsPresent Then
                    DNName = mventry("middleName").Value + " " + DNName
                End If
                If mventry("givenName").IsPresent Then
                    DNName = mventry("givenName").Value + " " + DNName
                End If
                DNName = DNName + "/" + DNCertifier
                ' Set the property values to provision the object.
                csentry.DN = ManagementAgent.EscapeDNComponent("CN=" _
                                + DNName).Concat("NAB=names.nsf")
                csentry("LastName").Value = mventry("sn").Value
                csentry("_MMS_Certifier").Value = DNCertifier
                csentry("_MMS_IDRegType").IntegerValue = 1  ' U.S. User
                csentry("_MMS_IDStoreType").IntegerValue = 1  ' ID File as an attachment
                ' The next property must have a value for a user with an
                ' identification file.
                csentry("_MMS_Password").Value = "FilePassword"
                ' The next three properties must have a value for a user to access
                ' e-mail through a Web browser.
                csentry("MailServer").Value = "CN=DominoServer/O=DominoDomain"
                csentry("MailFile").Value = "mail\" & mventry("uid").Value
                csentry("HTTPPassword").Value = mventry("EmpID").Value
                '  Finish creating the new connector.
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    void IMVSynchronization.Provision (MVEntry mventry)
        ConnectedMA ManagementAgent;
        int Connectors;
        CSEntry csentry;
        string DNName;
        string DNCertifier = "O=Main";
                ManagementAgent = mventry.ConnectedMAs["Lotus Notes MA"];
                Connectors = ManagementAgent.Connectors.Count;           
                if(0 == Connectors)
                    //Create the new connector
                    csentry = ManagementAgent.Connectors.StartNewConnector("person");
                    DNName = mventry["sn"].Value; 
                        DNName = mventry["middleName"].Value + " " + DNName;
                        DNName = mventry["givenName"].Value + " " + DNName;
                    DNName = DNName + "/" + DNCertifier;
                    // Set the property values to provision the object.
                    csentry.DN = ManagementAgent.EscapeDNComponent("CN="
                                    + DNName).Concat("NAB=names.nsf");
                    csentry["LastName"].Value = mventry["sn"].Value;        
                    csentry["_MMS_Certifier"].Value = DNCertifier;
                    csentry["_MMS_IDRegType"].IntegerValue = 1;  // U.S. User        
                    csentry["_MMS_IDStoreType"].IntegerValue = 1;  // ID File as an attachment
                    //  The next property must have a value for a user with an
                    //  identification file.                
                    csentry["_MMS_Password"].Value = "FilePassword";
                    //  The next three properties must have a value for a user to access
                    //  e-mail through a Web Browser.
                    csentry["MailServer"].Value = "CN=DominoServer/O=DominoDomain";         
                    csentry["MailFile"].Value = @"mail\" + mventry["uid"].Value;               
                    csentry["HTTPPassword"].Value = mventry["EmpID"].Value;
                    // Finish creating the new connector.

See Also

Lotus Notes Connected Data Sources
Lotus Notes Properties

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Build date: 2/16/2009