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The ConnectorCollection class represents a collection of connector objects. Each connector object is represented by a CSEntry object. The collection object is retrieved from the ConnectedMA.Connectors property.

The ConnectorCollection class is derived from the IEnumerable class.

Public Methods

The ConnectorCollection class has the following public methods.

Method Description

Changes all connector CSEntry objects in the specified management agent to disconnector CSEntry objects.


Determines if two objects are equal.


Retrieves a ConnectorCollectionEnumerator object that allows enumeration of the members of the collection.


Serves as a hash function for a particular type.


Retrieves the Type of the current object.


Initiates the process of creating a connector of the specified object type.

StartNewConnector(String, String[])

Initiates the process of creating a connector of the specified object type from an array of object classes.

StartNewConnector(String, ValueCollection)

Initiates the process of creating a connector of the specified object type from a ValueCollection object.


Retrieves a String that represents the current object.

Public Properties

The ConnectorCollection class defines the following public properties.

Property Description
ByDN Data type: ConnectorCollectionByDN
Access type: Read-only

Retrieves a ConnectorCollectionByDN object that contains a collection of connector objects that can be indexed by distinguished name.

ByIndex Data type: ConnectorCollectionByIndex
Access type: Read-only

Retrieves a ConnectorCollectionByIndex object that contains the collection of connector objects that can be indexed numerically.

Count Data type: Int32
Access type: Read-only

Retrieves the number of elements in the collection.

Protected Constructors

The ConnectorCollection class has the following protected constructor.

Constructor Description

Creates an instance of the ConnectorCollection class.


The following example shows how to use Visual Basic to implement the IMVSynchronization.Provision method with the ConnectorCollection class:

Public Sub Provision(ByVal mventry As MVEntry) _
    Implements IMVSynchronization.Provision

    Dim Container As String
    Dim RDN As String
    Dim DN As ReferenceValue
    Dim ma As ConnectedMA
    Dim entry As CSEntry

    ma = mventry.ConnectedMAs("Fabrikam AD MA")

    ' Create the new distinguished name
    Container = "CN=users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
    RDN = "CN=" & mventry("cn").Value
    DN = ma.EscapeDNComponent(RDN).Concat(Container)

    ' Start creating the new connector
    entry = ma.Connectors.StartNewConnector("user")

    ' Set the property to the new distinguished name
    entry.DN = DN

    ' Finish creating the new connector
End Sub

The following example shows how to use C# to implement the IMVSynchronization.Provision method with the ConnectorCollection class:

void IMVSynchronization.Provision(MVEntry mventry)
    string Container;
    string RDN;
    ReferenceValue DN;
    CSEntry entry;
    ConnectedMA ma = mventry.ConnectedMAs["Fabrikam AD MA"];

    // Create the distinguished name
    Container = "CN=users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com";
    RDN = "CN=" + mventry["cn"].Value;
    DN = ma.EscapeDNComponent(RDN).Concat(Container);
    // Start creating the new connector
    entry = ma.Connectors.StartNewConnector("user");

    // Set the property to the new distinguished name
    entry.DN = DN;

    // Finish creating the new connector


Product ILM 2007 FP1
Namespace Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices
Assembly Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices
.NET Framework .NET Framework 2.0

See Also


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Build date: 2/16/2009