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Microsoft Speech API 5.4


SPPROPERTYINFO contains the information for a semantic property.

    typedef struct tagSPPROPERTYINFO
    LPCWSTR          *pszName;
    ULONG             ulId;
    LPCWSTR          *pszValue;
    VARIANT           vValue;


  • pszName
    Pointer to the null-terminated string that contains the name information of the property. This is set using the PROPNAME attribute in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
  • ulId
    Identifier associated with the property. This is set using the PROPID attribute in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
  • pszValue
    Pointer to the null-terminated string that contains the value information of the property. This is set using the VALSTR attribute in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
  • vValue
    Must be one of the following: VT_BOOL, VT_I4, VT_R4, VT_R8, or VT_BYREF (for dynamic grammars only.) This is set using the VAL attribute in the Speech Text Grammar Format.