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Internet Explorer Maintenance Policy

The RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting class represents the policy data for general settings related to management and customization of Microsoft Internet Explorer. Administrators can set options for the client browser UI, connections, URLs, proxy settings, URL security zones, and Favorites using the Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK). IEAK is the Microsoft toolkit for customizing and distributing Internet Explorer.

RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting derives from the RSOP_PolicySetting class.

To report on Group Policy related to the customization of Internet Explorer, you can use the following RSoP WMI Classes.

Class Description
RSOP_IEAdministrativeTemplateFile Represents the abstraction for an administrative template (.adm) file for Internet Explorer.
RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting Represents the policy data for general settings related to management and customization of Internet Explorer.
RSOP_IEAuthenticodeCertificate Represents the details of customized settings for Internet Explorer that designate software publishers and credentials agencies as trustworthy.
RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentials Represents the settings used by the RasDial function when establishing a dial-up (remote access) connection to the Internet using Internet Explorer.
RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentialsLink Represents the association between an Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) policy setting and the dial-up credentials for a given Internet Explorer Internet connection.
RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings Contains the details of a phone-book entry for connecting to the Internet; corresponds to the RASENTRY structure.
RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettingsLink Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported dial-up settings for a specific connection of Internet Explorer to the Internet.
RSOP_IEConnectionSettings Represents the details of an Internet connection made using Internet Explorer, including details related to auto-configuration.
RSOP_IEConnectionSettingsLink Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and the policy's Internet connection settings.
RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettings Represents the settings used by the RasDial function to establish a remote access connection to the Internet using the Microsoft Windows Internet (WinInet) application programming interface (API).
RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettingsLink Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and WinInet connection settings for a remote access connection to the Internet.
RSOP_IEFavoriteItem Represents an item or folder in a user's Internet Explorer Favorites list.
RSOP_IEFavoriteItemLink Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and an item or folder in a user's Internet Explorer Favorites list.
RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem Parent class from which Internet Explorer Favorites, Favorite folders and Link toolbar items (Links) are inherited.
RSOP_IEImportedProgramSettings Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings for Internet Explorer.
RSOP_IELinkItem Represents an Internet Explorer Links bar item (a Link).
RSOP_IELinkItemLink Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and an item in a user's Internet Explorer Links bar.
RSOP_IEPrivacySettings Represents the privacy settings imported for Internet Explorer URL security zones.
RSOP_IEProgramSettings Contains details about the imported programs to use for Internet Explorer.
RSOP_IEProxySettings Represents the details of a proxy server connection for Internet Explorer.
RSOP_IERegistryPolicySetting Represents the abstraction for registry extension policy data for Internet Explorer.
RSOP_IESecurityContentRatings Represents customized settings or attributes related to security content ratings that should be used with Internet Explorer.
RSOP_IESecurityZoneSettings Represents customized settings or attributes to use with Internet Explorer for a particular URL security zone.
RSOP_IEToolbarButton Represents the toolbar button object for the Internet Explorer browser.
RSOP_IEToolbarButtonLink Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and a custom Internet Explorer toolbar button.