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Memory Allocation

Use these routines to allocate, free, and reallocate memory.

Memory-Allocation Routines

Routine Use
_alloca Allocate memory from stack
calloc Allocate storage for array, initializing every byte in allocated block to 0
_calloc_dbg Debug version of calloc; only available in the debug versions of the run-time libraries
_expand Expand or shrink block of memory without moving it
_expand_dbg Debug version of _expand; only available in the debug versions of the run-time libraries
free Free allocated block
_free_dbg Debug version of free; only available in the debug versions of the run-time libraries
_get_sbh_threshold Return the upper limit for the size of a memory allocation that will be supported by the small-block heap
_heapadd Add memory to heap
_heapchk Check heap for consistency
_heapmin Release unused memory in heap
_heapset Fill free heap entries with specified value
_heapwalk Return information about each entry in heap
malloc Allocate block of memory from heap
_malloc_dbg Debug version of malloc; only available in the debug versions of the run-time libraries
_msize Return size of allocated block
_msize_dbg Debug version of _msize; only available in the debug versions of the run-time libraries
_query_new_handler Return address of current new handler routine as set by _set_new_handler
_query_new_mode Return integer indicating new handler mode set by _set_new_mode for malloc
realloc Reallocate block to new size
_realloc_dbg Debug version of realloc; only available in the debug versions of the run-time libraries
_set_new_handler Enable error-handling mechanism when new operator fails (to allocate memory) and enable compilation of Standard Template Libraries (STL)
_set_new_mode Set new handler mode for malloc
_set_sbh_threshold Set the upper limit for the size of a memory allocation that will be supported by the small-block heap