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Enumerates by address the various symbols contained in the data source.


IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr : IUnknown  

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr.

Method Description
IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr::symbolByAddr Positions the enumerator by performing a lookup by section and offset.
IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr::symbolByRVA Positions the enumerator by performing a lookup by relative virtual address (RVA).
IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr::symbolByVA Positions the enumerator by performing a lookup by virtual address (VA).
IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr::Next Retrieves the next symbols in order by address. Updates the enumerator position by number of elements fetched.
IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr::Prev Retrieves the previous symbols in order by address. Updates the enumerator position by number of elements fetched.
IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr::Clone Makes a copy of an object.


This interface provides symbols grouped by address. To work with symbols grouped by type, for example SymTagUDT (user-defined type) or SymTagBaseClass, use the IDiaEnumSymbols interface.

Notes for Callers

Obtain this interface by calling the IDiaSession::getSymbolsByAddr method.


This function displays the name and address of all symbols ordered by relative virtual address.

void ShowSymbolsByAddress(IDiaSession *pSession)  
    CComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr> pEnumByAddr;  
    if ( FAILED( psession->getSymbolsByAddr( &pEnumByAddr ) ) )  
        Fatal( "getSymbolsByAddr" );  
    CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> pSym;  
    if ( FAILED( pEnumByAddr->symbolByAddr( 1, 0, &pSym ) ) )  
        Fatal( "symbolByAddr" );  
    DWORD rvaLast = 0;  
    if ( pSym->get_relativeVirtualAddress( &rvaLast ) == S_OK )  
        pSym = 0;  
        if ( FAILED( pEnumByAddr->symbolByRVA( rvaLast, &pSym ) ) )  
            Fatal( "symbolByAddr" );  
        printf( "Symbols in order\n" );  
            CDiaBSTR name;  
            if ( pSym->get_name( &name ) != S_OK )  
                printf( "\t0x%08X (%ws) <no name>\n", rvaLast );  
               printf( "\t0x%08X %ws\n", rvaLast, name );  
            pSym = 0;  
            celt = 0;  
            if ( FAILED( hr = pEnumByAddr->Next( 1, &pSym, &celt ) ) )  
        } while ( celt == 1 );  


Header: Dia2.h

Library: diaguids.lib

DLL: msdia80.dll

See Also

Interfaces (Debug Interface Access SDK)