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Walkthrough: Creating an App for SharePoint by Using LightSwitch

By using LightSwitch, you can create an app for SharePoint in which mobile users can view, add, and update SharePoint data from remote locations by using modern, touch-oriented devices such as phones and tablets. In this walkthrough, you'll create an app in which sales representatives for a fictitious food distributor, Contoso Foods, can enter survey data about how partner stores display their products.

These representatives frequently visit each location to deliver products and conduct quality surveys that measure the presence that each product has within the store. During the survey, representatives typically collect the following kinds of data:

  • Cleanliness of the display (ranging from “very poor” to “excellent”).

  • Lighting of the product (also ranging from “very poor” to “excellent”).

  • Aisle location of the product (middle of the aisle, end of the aisle, or aisle end-cap).

  • Shelf height of the product (top shelf, eye-level shelf, or bottom shelf).

Representatives also photograph the product displays to support the overall assessments.


This walkthrough requires Visual Studio 2013.

You’ll also need the sample files in the download Survey App Tutorial: Developing a SharePoint Application Using LightSwitch.

To host the app, you must also have a SharePoint Developer site on Office 365, which you can get from the Developer Center for Apps for Office and SharePoint.

Create a LightSwitch App in HTML

To develop a LightSwitch app for SharePoint, you first create a client project in either Silverlight or HTML. For this walkthrough, you'll use HTML so that you can optimize the screens for mobile devices.

To create the project

  1. On the menu bar, choose File, New, Project.

    The New Project dialog box opens.

  2. In the list of templates, expand the Visual Basic or Visual C# node, choose the LightSwitch node, and then choose either LightSwitch HTML Application (Visual Basic) or LightSwitch HTML Application (Visual C#).

  3. In the Name text box, enter SurveyApp, and then choose the OK button.

Add Support for Displaying Survey Data

As representatives enter data, they must verify what they've entered and retrieve the data later. To add this functionality, start by adding a Survey entity in the intrinsic database that will store survey data, and then add a home screen to display the data. The home screen appears when a representative starts the app.

To add the Survey entity

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the SurveyApp.Server node, and then choose Add Table.

    The Entity Designer appears.

  2. In the Properties window, in the text box for the Name property, enter Survey.

  3. In the Entity Designer, enter the following values:



















  4. Choose the Cleanliness field, and then, in the Properties window, choose the Choice List hyperlink.

  5. In the Choice List dialog box, enter the following values, and then choose the OK button.


    Display Name


    Very Poor









  6. Choose the Lighting field, and then, in the Properties window, choose the Choice List hyperlink.

  7. In the Choice List dialog box, enter the following values, and then choose the OK button.


    Display Name


    Very Poor









  8. Choose the ShelfPlacement field, and then, in the Properties window, choose the Choice List hyperlink.

  9. In the Choice List dialog box, enter the following values, and then choose the OK button.


    Display Name


    Top Shelf


    Eye-Level Shelf


    Bottom Shelf

  10. Choose the AislePlacement field, and then, in the Properties window, choose the Choice List hyperlink.

  11. In the Choice List dialog box, enter the following values, and then choose the OK button.


    Display Name


    Middle of Aisle


    End of Aisle


    Aisle End-Cap

To create a home screen

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the SurveyApp.HTML Client node, and then choose Add Screen.

    The Add New Screen dialog box appears.

  2. In the Select a screen template list, choose Browse Data Screen.

  3. In the Screen Name text box, enter SurveysHome.

  4. In the Screen Data list, choose Surveys, and then choose the OK button.

  5. In the Screen Designer, choose the Screen | SurveysHome node.

    The Screen | Surveys Home node

  6. In the Properties window, choose the Display Name text box, and then enter Contoso Product Surveys.

To test the app in a browser

  1. On the menu bar, choose Debug, Start Debugging.

    The app appears in your web browser and resembles the following illustration.

    The Survey app screen in a local browser

    No survey items appear because you haven’t entered any data yet. Later, you’ll add a screen for both creating and editing survey data.

  2. Close the browser window to stop the app from running.

Enable SharePoint Hosting

To create an app that representatives can start from a SharePoint site, you must enable hosting on SharePoint by modifying the settings of the HTML client project.


To host the app, you need a SharePoint Developer site on Office 365, which you can get from the Developer Center for Apps for Office and SharePoint.

To enable SharePoint hosting

  1. In Solution Explorer, choose the SurveyApp node.

  2. On the menu bar, choose Project, Enable SharePoint.

  3. In the Enabling SharePoint wizard, enter the URL for your Office 365 Developer site, and then choose the Finish button.

    The URL should take the form https://

    References to several SharePoint assemblies are added to your LightSwitch project, and a project for a SharePoint web app is added to the solution.

To test the hosted app

  1. On the menu bar, choose Debug, Start Debugging.

    The first time that you run a SharePoint app on your computer, you're prompted to install a Localhost certificate because LightSwitch apps that are enabled for SharePoint hosting always use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). If you accept this certificate, a security warning won't appear each time that you launch the app. Because the certificate applies only to Localhost, your system faces no threat.

  2. In the Security Alert dialog box, choose the Yes button.

  3. If a Security Warning dialog box appears, choose the Yes button.

    Your web browser appears.

  4. On the sign in page, choose the Sign In button.

  5. Enter your password, and then choose the Sign In button.

  6. If prompted, choose the Trust It button.

    The app appears in the browser and resembles the following illustration.

    The application with SharePoint chrome

    A bar appears at the top of the screen so that the user can navigate back to the SharePoint site. This SharePoint chrome bar appears on all apps for SharePoint.

  7. Close the browser window to stop the app from running.

Add Support for Creating and Editing Survey Data

Now that you’ve incorporated SharePoint into your app, you can go back to adding functionality so that users can create and edit survey data. In this section, you’ll add a couple more entities by attaching to SharePoint lists, add relationships between the entities, modify the home screen, create a data entry screen, and hook up navigation for the new screen.

To add entities

  1. In a web browser, locate your SharePoint Developer site by using the same URL that you entered in the earlier procedure for enabling SharePoint.

  2. On the Office 365 menu bar, choose the Settings icon, and then choose the Site Settings menu item.

  3. In the Web Designer Galleries list, choose List Templates.

  4. On the Web Designer Gallery page, on the menu bar, choose Files, Upload Document.

  5. In the Add a Template dialog box, choose browse, locate the contoso_customers_template.stp template file that was included in the sample download, and then choose the OK button.

  6. In the List Template Gallery dialog box, choose the Save button.

  7. On the menu bar, choose Files, Upload Document.

  8. In the Add a Template dialog box, choose browse, locate the contoso_products_template.stp template file that was included in the sample download, and then choose the OK button.

  9. In the List Template Gallery dialog box, choose the Save button.

  10. On the Developer menu bar, choose Site Contents, choose the add an app link, and then choose Contoso Customers Template.

  11. In the Adding Custom List dialog box, name the list Customers, and then choose the Create button.

  12. On the Site Contents page, choose the add an app link, and then choose Contoso Products Template.

  13. In the Adding Custom List dialog box, name the list Products, and then choose the Create button.

  14. In Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the SurveyApp.Server node, and then choose Add Data Source.

  15. In the Attach Data Source Wizard, choose the SharePoint icon, and then choose the Next button.

  16. In the Specify the SharePoint site address text box, enter the URL for your SharePoint developer site, and then choose the Next button.

  17. In the Select the entities to use in your application list, expand the List node, select the Customer and Products check boxes, and then choose the Finish button.

    The Customers, Products, and UserInformationList entities are added to the app.

To create relationships between entities

  1. In Solution Explorer, expand the Data Sources node, open the shortcut menu for the Surveys.lsml node, and then choose Open.

  2. In the Entity Designer, on the toolbar, choose the Relationship link.

    The Add New Relationship dialog box appears.

  3. In the To column, in the Name list, choose Customer, and then choose the OK button.

  4. In the Entity Designer, choose the Relationship link.

  5. In the Add New Relationship dialog box, in the To column, in the Name list, choose Product, and then choose the OK button.

To modify the home screen

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the SurveysHome.lsml node, and then choose Open.

  2. In the center pane of the Screen Designer, expand the list for the Survey node, and then choose Rows Layout.

  3. Choose the Sales Rep Name, Cleanliness, Lighting, Shelf Placement, and Aisle Placement nodes, and then delete them.

  4. In the Add list, choose Customer.

  5. In the Add list, choose Product.

To add a screen for creating and editing surveys

  1. In the screen designer, expand the Command Bar node, and then choose Add.

  2. In the Add Button dialog box, choose the Choose an existing method option button.

  3. In the showTab list, choose addAndEditNew.

  4. In the Navigate To list, choose New Screen, and then choose the OK button.

    The Add New Screen dialog box opens

  5. In the Add New Screen dialog box, accept the default values, and then choose the OK button.

  6. In the Screen Designer, move the Customer and Product nodes so that they appear under the Sales Rep Name node.

  7. Delete the Rows Layout | Right node.

To add screen navigation

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the Surveys Home.lsml node, and then choose Open.

  2. In the Screen Designer, choose the List | My Product Surveys node.

  3. In the Properties window, choose the Item Tap: None hyperlink.

    The Edit ItemTap Action dialog box opens.

  4. In the showTab list, choose editSelected.

  5. In the Navigate To list, choose Add Edit Survey, and then choose the OK button.

To test the changes

  1. On the menu bar, choose Debug, Start Debugging.

  2. On the home screen, choose the Add Survey button.

    The Add Edit Survey screen appears.

  3. Expand the Customer list to display sample customer data.

  4. Expand the Product list to display sample product data.

  5. Expand each of the remaining lists to display the choices that you entered earlier in this walkthrough.

  6. Close the browser window to stop the app from running.

Add Logic for Sales Rep Name

Sales representatives shouldn’t have to enter their names each time that they create a survey. Next you’ll add logic to automatically populate the Sales Rep Name field with the name of the current authenticated user and to show only the surveys that each representative created.

To set a default value

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the Surveys.lsml node, and then choose Open.

    The Entity Designer opens.

  2. In the Write Code list, choose Surveys_Inserting.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the Surveys_Inserting method:

    entity.SalesRepName = Application.User.Name
    entity.SalesRepName = this.Application.User.Name;

    This method runs within the server’s save pipeline whenever a Survey entity is inserted. When the app retrieves user information, it corresponds to the user who's signed in to SharePoint.

  4. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the AddEditSurvey.lsml node, and then choose Open.

    The Screen Designer opens.

  5. In the center pane, delete the Sales Rep Name node.

To add filtering logic

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the Surveys.lsml node, and then choose Open.

    The Entity Designer opens.

  2. In the Write Code list, choose Surveys_Filter.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the Surveys_Filter method:

    filter = Function(e) e.SalesRepName = Application.User.Name
    filter = f => f.SalesRepName == this.Application.User.Name;

    This method runs on the server whenever the Survey entity is queried.

To test the changes

  1. On the menu bar, choose Debug, Start Debugging.

  2. On the home screen, choose the Add Survey button.

  3. In the Customer list, choose a customer.

  4. In the Product list, choose a product.

  5. In each of the remaining lists, choose a value, and then choose the Save button.

  6. Verify that the list of surveys contains the survey that you just created.

  7. Close the browser window to stop the app from running.

Add Logic for Date of Most Recent Survey

Next you’ll add code to reflect the date on which a survey was most recently conducted on each customer’s site.

To update the date of the most recent survey

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the Surveys.lsml node, and then choose Open.

  2. In the Write Code list, choose Surveys_Inserted.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the Surveys_Inserted method:

    Dim c As Customer = Me.DataWorkspace.DeveloperData.Customers.Where(
                    Function(f) f.CompanyName = entity.Customer.CompanyName).FirstOrDefault()
                If (Not c Is Nothing) Then
                    c.LastSurveyDate = Date.Today
                End If
    Customer c = this.DataWorkspace.DeveloperData.Customers.Where(f =>
     f.CompanyName == entity.Customer.CompanyName).FirstOrDefault();
                if (c != null)
                    c.LastSurveyDate = DateTime.Today;

To test the changes

  1. On the menu bar, choose Debug, Start Debugging.

  2. On the home screen, choose the Add Survey button.

  3. In the Customer list, choose a customer.

  4. In the Product list, choose a product.

  5. In each of the remaining lists, choose a value, and then choose the Save button.

  6. Verify that the list of surveys contains the survey that you just created.

  7. On the menu bar, choose Back to Site.

    Your SharePoint Developer site appears. In the Customers list, the LastSurveyDate has been updated for the customer that you just surveyed.

  8. Close the browser window to stop the app from running.

Update the Splash Screen and the Title Bar

Next you’ll update the splash screen, which appears while the app is starting, to display the app name instead of the project name. You’ll also modify the name that appears in the title bar or browser tab.

To update the display strings

  1. In Solution Explorer, expand the SurveyApp.HTMLClient node, open the shortcut menu for the default.htm file, and then choose Open.

  2. In the Code Editor, locate the <div> element and then replace SurveyApp with Contoso Product Surveys.

    This string will appear on the splash screen.

  3. In the <title> element, replace SurveyApp with Contoso Product Surveys.

To test the changes

  1. On the menu bar, choose Debug, Start Debugging.

    Notice that Contoso Product Surveys appears on the splash screen and in the title bar.

  2. Close the browser window to stop the app from running.

Add Support for Uploading and Displaying Photos

Next you’ll add support for uploading photos to a SharePoint Picture Library. When a sales representative uploads a photo, SharePoint will automatically create a thumbnail of that photo and a version that's optimized for the web. These additional images will help sales representatives browse and manage images faster and more easily in SharePoint than in the SQL database for LightSwitch.

Apps for SharePoint may include a variety of assets such as lists, modules, content types, and property bags that reside in the app web and that are installed and removed as part of the app.

To add a Photo entity

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the SurveyApp.Server node, and then choose Add Table.

  2. In the Properties window, in the Name text box, enter Photo.

  3. In the Entity Designer, enter the following values:





    Web Address



    Web Address



    Web Address






    Date Time


To add a relationship

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the Surveys.lsml node, and then choose Open.

  2. In the Entity Designer, on the toolbar, choose the Relationship link.

  3. In the Add New Relationship dialog box, in the Name row and To column, choose Photo in the list.

  4. In the Multiplicity row and the From column, choose One in the list.

  5. In the Multiplicity row and the To column, choose Many in the list.

  6. In the On Delete Behavior row and the From column, choose Cascade delete in the list, and then choose the OK button.

To add a SharePoint picture library

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the SurveyApp.SharePoint node, choose Add, and then choose New Item.

  2. In the Add New Item dialog box, choose List.

  3. In the Name text box, enter Photos, and then choose the Add button.

  4. In the SharePoint Customization Wizard, choose the Create a list based on an existing list template option button.

  5. In the Announcements list, choose Picture Library, and then choose the Finish button.

To add a utility class

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the SurveyApp.Server node, choose Add, and then choose Existing Item.

    The Add Existing Item dialog box opens.

  2. Locate the PhotoListHelper.vb or PhotoListHelper.cs file that you downloaded as a part of the sample, and then choose the Add button.

  3. In the Code Editor, in the AddPhoto method, locate the line siteContext.ExecuteQuery(), and then add the following code:



    This additional code is necessary in Visual Studio 2013 to prevent an exception on subsequent calls to the URL.

  4. On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution to ensure that the code compiles correctly.

To add a WebAPI controller

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the SurveyApp.Server node, choose Add, and then choose New Item.

  2. In the Add New Item dialog box, choose the Web node, and then choose the Web API Controller Class template.

  3. In the Name text box, enter PhotosController, and then choose the Add button.

  4. In the Code Editor, replace the contents with the following code:

    Imports System.Net
    Imports System.Web.Http
    Imports LightSwitchApplication
    Imports Microsoft.SharePoint.Client
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Net.Http
    Imports System.Net.Http.Headers
    Imports System.Text
    Imports System.Threading.Tasks
    Public Class PhotosController
        Inherits ApiController
    Private _appWebContext As ClientContext
        Private ReadOnly Property AppWebContext() As ClientContext
                If _appWebContext Is Nothing Then
                    Using serverContext = LightSwitchApplication.ServerApplicationContext.CreateContext()
                        _appWebContext = serverContext.Application.SharePoint.GetAppWebClientContext()
                    End Using
                End If
                Return _appWebContext
            End Get
        End Property
        Public Function PostFormData() As Task(Of HttpResponseMessage)
            If Not Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent() Then
                Throw New HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType)
            End If
            Dim memStream = New MultipartMemoryStreamProvider()
            Dim spCtx = AppWebContext
            Dim myTask = Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(memStream).ContinueWith(
                      If t.IsFaulted OrElse t.IsCanceled Then
                          Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, t.Exception)
                      End If
                      Dim fileList = New StringBuilder()
                      For Each contentItem In memStream.Contents
                          Dim sourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(contentItem.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("""", ""))
                              Dim fileReadTask = contentItem.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().ContinueWith(
                                    Dim photoUrl = PhotoListHelper.AddPhoto(frt.Result, sourceFileName, spCtx)
                                    Return photoUrl
                                End Function
                          Catch ex As Exception
                              fileList.AppendLine("FAILED::" + ex.Message)
                          End Try
                      Return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, fileList.ToString(), New MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/xml"))
                  End Function
            Return myTask
        End Function
        Public Function DeletePhoto(url As String) As Task(Of HttpResponseMessage)
            Dim spCtx = AppWebContext
            Dim deleteTask = New Task(Of HttpResponseMessage)(
                            PhotoListHelper.DeletePhoto(url, spCtx)
                            Return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        Catch ex As Exception
                            Return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotModified, ex)
                        End Try
                    End Function
            Return deleteTask
        End Function
    End Class
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Web.Http;
    using LightSwitchApplication;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Net.Http;
    using System.Net.Http.Headers;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    public class PhotosController : ApiController
    private ClientContext appWebContext;
    private ClientContext AppWebContext
                    if (appWebContext == null)
                        using (var serverContext = LightSwitchApplication. ServerApplicationContext.CreateContext())
                            appWebContext = serverContext.Application.SharePoint.GetAppWebClientContext();
                    return appWebContext;
            public Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostFormData()
                if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
                    // Since we're uploading the image to Sharepoint directly, we'll just read the Http content into memory
                    var memoryStream = new MultipartMemoryStreamProvider();
                    // We need to get the appweb context before forking the new task; otherwise the LightSwitch runtime will 
                    // throw because there is no HttpContext available on the calling thread.
                    var sharepointContext = this.AppWebContext;
                    var task = Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(memoryStream).
                        ContinueWith<HttpResponseMessage>(t =>
                            if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled)
                                Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, t.Exception);
                            // There can be multiple files in the POST, so we'll upload each attachment and attach its new
                            // URL (in the SP Picture Library).
                            StringBuilder fileList = new StringBuilder();
                            foreach (var contentItem in memoryStream.Contents)
                                var sourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(contentItem.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", ""));
                                    // Read the contents of the file into memory and upload it to Sharepoint
                                    var fileReadTask = contentItem.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().
                                        ContinueWith<string>(frt =>
                                            var photoURL = PhotoListHelper.AddPhoto(frt.Result, sourceFileName, sharepointContext);
                                            return photoURL;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    fileList.AppendLine(@"FAILED::" + ex.Message);
                            return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, fileList.ToString(), new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/xml"));
                    return task;
            public Task<HttpResponseMessage> DeletePhoto(string url)
                var sharepointContext = this.AppWebContext;
                var deleteTask = new Task<HttpResponseMessage>(
                    () =>
                            PhotoListHelper.DeletePhoto(url, sharepointContext);
                            return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotModified, e);
                return deleteTask;

    Notice that this code retrieves the SharePoint host object by using the server API for LightSwitch: appWebContext = serverContext.Application.SharePoint.GetAppWebClientContext(). The SharePoint host object provides access to several useful properties and methods that are used to interact with the SharePoint site. In particular, the GetAppWebClientContext method provides an entry point for interacting with assets that belong to the app web. When the app web’s ClientContext is retrieved, the proper context token is used for communicating back into SharePoint.

To add an HTTP route to the controller

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the SurveyApp.Server node, choose Add, and then choose New Item.

  2. In the Add New Item dialog box, choose the Web node, and then choose the Global Application Class template.

  3. In the Name text box, enter Global.asax, and then choose the Add button.

  4. In the Code Editor, enter the following Imports or Using statements:

    Imports System.Web.Routing
    Imports System.Web.Http
    using System.Web.Routing;
    using System.Web.Http;

    Add the following code to the Application_Start method:

           name := "DefaultApi",
          routeTemplate := "api/{controller}/{id}",
          defaults := New With { .id = System.Web.Http.RouteParameter.Optional }
                               name: "DefaultApi",
                               routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
                               defaults: new { id = System.Web.Http.RouteParameter.Optional }

    The HTTP route enables the controller to be invoked from the client.

  5. On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution to ensure that the code compiles correctly.

Authenticate the App to Interact with the Photos Picture Library

The app web, which contains the Photos Picture Library, resides in an isolated domain. By default, your app isn’t authenticated to interact with the app web, so you must add a simple script to perform that authentication.

To add authentication

  1. In Solution Explorer, expand the SurveyApp.HTMLClient node, open the shortcut menu for the Scripts node, choose Add, and then choose Existing Item.

  2. In the Add Existing Item dialog box, locate the sharepointauthhelper.js file that you downloaded as a part of the sample, and then choose the Add button.

  3. In the code editor, replace the contents with the following code:

    $(document).ready(function () {
    var paramName = "SPAppWebUrl";
    var match = RegExp('[?&]' + paramName + '=([^&]*)')
    var appWebUrl = match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
    if (appWebUrl) {
    var authproxy = appWebUrl + "/_layouts/15/appwebproxy.aspx"
    var iframe = $("<iframe src='" + authproxy + "' style='width: 0px; height: 0px; border: 0px'/>");


    In Visual Studio 2013, authentication for SharePoint apps uses a query string instead of a cookie to pass the URL.

  4. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the default.htm file, and then choose Open.

  5. In the default.htm file, add the following reference:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/sharepointauthhelper.js"></script
  6. On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution to ensure that the code compiles correctly.

Add a Custom Control for Uploading Photos

Next you’ll create a custom control that will prompt sales representatives to upload photos of each product display.

To create the custom control

  1. In Solution Explorer, expand the SurveyApp.HTMLClient node, open the shortcut menu for the Scripts node, choose Add, and then choose Existing Item.

  2. In the Add Existing Item dialog box, locate the photohelper.js file that you downloaded as a part of the sample, and then choose the Add button.

  3. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the default.htm file, and then choose Open.

  4. In the Code Editor, add the following reference:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/photohelper.js"></script>
  5. In Solution Explorer, on the toolbar, choose Logical View in the list.

  6. Open the shortcut menu for the AddEditSurvey.lsml screen node, and then choose Open.

  7. In the Screen Designer, open the shortcut menu for the Popups node, and then choose Add Popup.

  8. In the Properties window, in the Name text box, enter UploadPhotos.

  9. In the Screen Designer, under the Rows Layout | Upload Photos node, expand the Add node, and then choose New Custom Control.

    The Add Custom Control dialog box appears.

  10. Choose the OK button to accept the default value of Screen and close the dialog box.

  11. In the Properties window, in the Name text box, enter UploadControl, and then choose the Edit Render Code hyperlink.

  12. In the Code Editor, enter the following line of code above the myapp.AddEditSurvey.UploadControl_render method:

    var $uploadControlElement, uploadControlContentItem;

    Add the following code to the body of the method:

    $uploadControlElement = $(element);
        uploadControlContentItem = contentItem;

    When a sales representative uploads a photo, this code will create a Photo entity in the intrinsic database that has property references to the full-sized, optimized, and thumbnail image URLs in the Picture Library. This entity will be used in a later step to display the images in the survey app.

  13. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the AddEditSurvey.lsml screen node, and then choose Open.

  14. In the Screen Designer, open the shortcut menu for the Rows Layout | Upload Photos node, and then choose Add Button.

  15. In the Add Button dialog box, choose the Write my own method option button.

  16. Name the method UploadPhoto, and then choose the OK button.

  17. In the Screen Designer, open the shortcut menu for the Upload Photo node, and then choose Edit Execute Code.

  18. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the Upload method:

    if ($("#fileInput").val() != "") {

    This code runs when the user taps the Upload Photo button on the UploadControl.

  19. In the Screen Designer, open the shortcut menu for the Tabs node, and then choose Add Tab.

  20. In the Properties window, name the tab Photos.

  21. Below the Rows Layout | Photos node, open the shortcut menu for the Command Bar node, and then choose Add Button.

  22. In the Add Button dialog box, choose the Write my own method option button, name the method UploadPhotos, and then choose the OK button.

  23. In the Properties window, enter Upload Photos as the display name.

  24. In the Icon list, choose Add Picture.

  25. In the Screen Designer, open the shortcut menu for the Upload Photos node, and then choose Edit Execute Code.

  26. In the Code Editor, add the following code:


    This code displays the Popup information when the user taps the Upload Photos button.

  27. On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution to ensure that the code compiles correctly.

Add Screen Support for Displaying Photos

Next you’ll add support for displaying photos on the AddEditSurvey screen. A thumbnail image will appear for each photo, and then, when a sales representative chooses the thumbnail, the larger, web-optimized image will appear in a dialog box. In addition, You’ll add support for deleting photos when a sales representative deletes the survey records for those photos.

To display a thumbnail image

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the AddEditSurvey.lsml screen node, and then choose Open.

  2. In the left pane of the Screen Designer, choose the Add Photos hyperlink.

    The Photos query is added to the screen.

  3. In the center pane of the Screen Designer, in the Add list for the Rows Layout | Photos node, choose Photos.

  4. In the List list, choose Tile List.

  5. Delete the Full Image Url, Optimized Url, Name With Ext, Created Date, and Survey nodes.

    Only the Thumbnail Url node should remain.

  6. In the list for the Thumbnail Url node, choose Image.

  7. In the Properties window, under Width, in the Pixels text box, enter 60.

  8. Under Height, in the Pixels text box, enter 60.

To add a popup

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose the Popups node, and then choose Add Popup.

  2. In the Properties window, in the Name text box, enter ViewPhotoDetails.

  3. In left pane of the Screen Designer, move the Name With Ext node so that it appears under the Rows Layout | View Photo Details node.

  4. In the list for the Name With Ext node, choose Text.

  5. Move the Created Date node so that it appears under the Name With Ext node.

  6. In the list for the Created Date node, choose Text.

  7. Move the Optimized Url node so that it appears under the Created Date node.

  8. In the list for the Optimized Url node, choose Image.

  9. In the Properties window, in the Width list, choose Fit to Content.

  10. In the Height list, choose Fit to Content.

  11. In the Label Position list, choose None.

  12. In the Screen Designer, choose the Tile List | Photos node.

  13. In the Properties window, choose the Item Tap hyperlink.

    The Edit ItemTap Action dialog box appears.

  14. In the Popup list, choose View Photo Details, and then choose the OK button.

To add support for deleting photos

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the Photos.lsml node, and then choose Open.

    The Entity Designer opens.

  2. In the Write Code list, choose Photos_Deleted.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the Photos_Deleted method:

                    PhotoListHelper.DeletePhoto(entity.FullImageUrl, Application.SharePoint.GetAppWebClientContext())
                Catch ex As Exception
                End Try
                    PhotoListHelper.DeletePhoto(entity.FullImageUrl, Application.SharePoint.GetAppWebClientContext());
                catch (Exception) { }

    The relationship between the Photos and Surveys entities was set to Cascade Delete, so the Photos_Deleted method is called when a survey record is deleted. This code calls the DeletePhoto method of the PhotoListHelper class to delete the photos from the SharePoint list.

  4. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the AddEditSurvey.lsml node, and then choose Open.

  5. In the Screen Designer, open the shortcut menu for the Rows Layout | View Photo Details node, and then choose Add Button.

  6. In the Add Button dialog box, choose the Write my own method option button.

  7. In the Method text box, enter DeletePhoto, and then choose the OK button.

  8. Open the shortcut menu for the Delete Photo node, and then choose Edit Execute Code.

  9. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the DeletePhoto_Execute method:


    Because you added this JavaScript code, sales representatives can delete photos without deleting the associated survey.

To test the changes

  1. On the menu bar, choose Debug, Start Debugging.

  2. On the home screen, choose the Add button.

  3. In the Customer list, choose a customer.

  4. In the Product list, choose a product.

  5. In each of the remaining lists, choose a value, and then choose the Save button.

  6. In the list of surveys, verify that the survey that you just created appears.

  7. On the Photos tab, choose the Upload Photos button.

  8. In the Upload Photos dialog box, choose the Browse button, browse to a photo on your local computer, and then choose the Open button.

  9. Choose the Upload Photo button, and then choose the thumbnail image that appears.

    The View Photo Image dialog box appears and shows the full-size image.

  10. Choose the Delete Photo button, and that verify that the thumbnail has been removed.

  11. Close the browser window to stop the app from running.

Publish the Finished App to SharePoint

So far you’ve only run the app in Debug mode, which uses SharePoint to provide authentication and redirects to the local computer’s instance of IIS Express. Your app is now complete and you can publish it to an on-premises SharePoint site, to Microsoft Azure, or to a third-party hosting site. After you publish your app, others can run it from SharePoint on their computers and mobile devices. See How to: Publish a cloud business app to SharePoint.

See Also

Other Resources

LightSwitch Apps for SharePoint