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ICompletionBroker |
Represents the central broker responsible for statement completion. |
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ICompletionSession |
Represents a statement completion session, which is a type of IntelliSense session. |
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ICompletionSource |
Provides completions for a given content type. |
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ICompletionSourceProvider |
Provides completion sources. |
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ICustomCommit |
Provides custom commit operations for completions. |
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ICustomIntellisensePresenter |
Defines a custom IntelliSense presenter. |
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ICustomKeyboardHandler |
Defines a custom handler of keyboard events |
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IGlyphService |
Gets a standard set of glyphs. |
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IIntellisenseCommandTarget |
Provides a way to intercede in the command-handling chain to handle keyboard commands. |
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IIntellisenseController |
Controls the IntelliSense process for one or more subject ITextBuffer objects exposed through a single ITextView. |
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IIntellisenseControllerProvider |
Creates IntelliSense controllers for a specific ITextView object. |
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IIntellisensePresenter |
Defines a presenter of IntelliSense information. |
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IIntellisensePresenterProvider |
Creates IntelliSense presenters over a given IntelliSense session. |
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IIntellisenseSession |
Represents an IntelliSense session, or a single instance of the IntelliSense process. |
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IIntellisenseSessionStack |
Represents a stack of IntelliSense sessions. The stack manages session activation and currency. |
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IIntellisenseSessionStackMapService |
Provides access to all the IIntellisenseSessionStack objects created for all the different ITextView instances in the application. |
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IParameter |
Represents an individual parameter description inside the description of a signature for Signature Help (Parameter Info). |
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IPopupIntellisensePresenter |
Defines an IntelliSense presenter that is rendered as a popup within an ITextView. |
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IQuickInfoBroker |
Defines a Quick Info broker. |
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IQuickInfoSession |
Represents an IntelliSense session used to display Quick Info information. |
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IQuickInfoSource |
Represents a Quick Info provider, which acts as a provider of Quick Info information for a text buffer. |
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IQuickInfoSourceProvider |
Represents a factory of Quick Info sources. |
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ISignature |
Represents an individual signature displayed in a tool, such as the signature help tool. |
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ISignatureHelpBroker |
Defines the signature help broker, which is the primary component of the signature help process. |
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ISignatureHelpSession |
Defines an IntelliSense session used for displaying signature help. |
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ISignatureHelpSource |
Defines a provider of signature help information that is used in the IntelliSense process. |
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ISignatureHelpSourceProvider |
Defines an extension used to create signature help providers from a given ITextBuffer opened in a given context. |
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ISmartTagAction |
Defines a smart tag action. |
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ISmartTagBroker |
Defines a smart tag broker, which is responsible for triggering smart tags. Components call methods on the broker in order to trigger smart tags. |
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ISmartTagSession |
Defines a smart tag session, which encapsulates all the information about a particular invocation of the smart tag system. |
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ISmartTagSource |
Defines a source for smart tag data. |
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ISmartTagSourceProvider |
Defines a provider of a smart tag source. |
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ITextFormattable |
Provides a way to override the text formatting properties for an object. |
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IUIElementProvider<TItem, TContext> |
Defines the provider of WPF UIElements for objects of a certain type, for a specified context. |
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IWpfKeyboardTrackingService |
Defines a MEF service responsible for tracking the keyboard in hosts of the WPF editor. |