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WeakReference::Resolve Method

Supports the WRL infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

   (REFIID riid, 
   _Deref_out_opt_ IInspectable **ppvObject


  • riid
    An interface ID.

  • ppvObject
    When this operation completes, a copy of the current strong reference if the strong reference count is nonzero.

Return Value

  • S_OK if this operation is successful and the strong reference count is zero. The ppvObject parameter is set to nullptr.

  • S_OK if this operation is successful and the strong reference count is nonzero. The ppvObject parameter is set to the strong reference.

  • Otherwise, an HRESULT that indicates the reason this operation failed.


Sets the specified pointer to the current strong reference value if the strong reference count is nonzero.


Header: implements.h

Namespace: Microsoft::WRL::Details

See Also


WeakReference Class

Microsoft::WRL::Details Namespace