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FtmBase::MarshalInterface Method

Writes into a stream the data required to initialize a proxy object in some client process.

STDMETHODIMP MarshalInterface(
   __in IStream *pStm,
   __in REFIID riid,
   __in_opt void *pv,
   __in DWORD dwDestContext,
   __reserved void *pvDestContext,
   __in DWORD mshlflags
) override;


  • pStm
    Pointer to the stream to be used during marshaling.

  • riid
    Reference to the identifier of the interface to be marshaled. This interface must be derived from the IUnknown interface.

  • pv
    Pointer to the interface pointer to be marshaled; can be NULL if the caller does not have a pointer to the desired interface.

  • dwDestContext
    Destination context where the specified interface is to be unmarshaled.

    Specify one or more MSHCTX enumeration values.

    Unmarshaling can occur in another apartment of the current process (MSHCTX_INPROC) or in another process on the same computer as the current process (MSHCTX_LOCAL).

  • pvDestContext
    Reserved for future use; must be zero.

  • mshlflags
    Specifies whether the data to be marshaled is to be transmitted back to the client process — the typical case — or written to a global table, where it can be retrieved by multiple clients.

Return Value

  • S_OK
    The interface pointer was marshaled successfully.

    The specified interface is not supported.

    The stream is full.

  • E_FAIL
    The operation failed.


Header: ftm.h

Namespace: Microsoft::WRL

See Also


FtmBase Class