Condividi tramite


Sets the text color for a task.

BOOL SetTaskTextColor(
    int nGroup,
    int nTask,
    COLORREF color,
    COLORREF colorHot = (COLORREF)-1


  • [in] nGroup
    Specifies the zero-based index of the task group that contains the task.

  • [in] nTask
    Specifies the zero-based index of the task.

  • [in] color
    Specifies the text color for the task.

  • [in] colorHot
    Specifies the text color for the highlighted group. If -1, this method uses the default highlight color.

Return Value

TRUE if the text color for the task was successfully set; otherwise, FALSE.


Header: afxTasksPane.h

See Also


CMFCTasksPane Class

Hierarchy Chart