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AssemblyDeletedEventArgs |
Contains event data for the AssemblyDeletedEvent that gets raised when an assembly is deleted. |
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AssemblyObsoleteEventArgs |
Represents an argument class for the AssemblyObsolete event. This class cannot be inherited. |
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AssemblyRefreshedEventArgs |
An event that is raised when an assembly has been refreshed. |
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ConstructorInfoWrapper |
Provides extra properties for the ConstructorInfo class. |
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DesignerWindowPane |
This class inherits from WindowPane and extends it to provide designer features. |
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DesignSurfaceExtension |
The base class for any object provided by a VSPackage to be called by the Visual Studio environment upon designer creation to customize or extend services and metadata provided by any implementation of DesignSurface. |
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DesignSurfaceExtensionAttribute |
Notifies the Visual Studio environment that a VSPackage provides a Type implementing a service to customize or extend services provided by any implementation of DesignSurface at designer load time. |
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DynamicTypeService |
Provides instances of ITypeResolutionService for a project. |
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DynamicTypeService.ContextTypeResolver |
An IDisposable object that routes assembly/type resolution issues to the ITypeResolutionService for the given hierarchy. It is instantiated by a call to GetContextTypeResolver. |
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GlobalObject |
Provides the base class for types whose instances are accessible for each project. |
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GlobalObjectCollection |
A strongly typed collection of global objects. The collection can be read-write or read-only. A read-write collection can be cheaply passed to the constructor of GlobalObjectCollection to make a read only version without copying the collection. |
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GlobalObjectDescriptionAttribute |
Allows global object providers to tag the global object instances they provide with additional metadata. |
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GlobalObjectProvider |
Provides a base class for accessing one or more global object types. |
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GlobalObjectProviderFactory |
Provides a base class for enumerating global object providers. |
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GlobalObjectService |
Maintains the current table of global object providers. This class cannot be inherited. |
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GlobalType |
Provides the base class for types that are defined in the project or generated from code. |
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GlobalTypeCollection |
A strongly typed collection of global types. |
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OleUndoEngine |
Provides a default implementation of undo management for designers. |
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OleUndoEngine.UndoUnit |
Extends support for encapsulating a unit of work that a user can undo. |
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ProjectTypeResolutionService |
An abstract class that provides the Visual Studio implementation of the ITypeResolutionService interface. |
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ProvideDesignerMetadataAttribute |
Declares additional metadata for types or objects, allowing third parties to modify the set of metadata available on a class. |
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ProvideDesignerOptionsAttribute |
Associates one or more categories with each designer in the registry. |
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ProvideGlobalObjectProviderAttribute |
Signifies that one or more classes in a package are global object providers. This class cannot be inherited. |
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ProvideViewAdapterAttribute |
This attribute can be placed on classes that derive from DesignerWindowPane to associate them with a particular type of view. There are three types of view adapters: file adapters provide support only for a specific file, language adapters support all the files associated with a given language service, and global adapters are available for any type. |
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TypeObsoleteEventArgs |
An event that gets raised when a type has become obsolete. |
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VirtualTypeBuilder |
Creates new virtual typea. This class cannot be inherited. |
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VirtualTypeBuilder.AttributeCollection |
Represents the collection of attributes. This class cannot be inherited. |
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VirtualTypeBuilder.ConstructorInfoCollection |
Represents the collection of constructors. This class cannot be inherited. |
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VirtualTypeBuilder.EventInfoCollection |
Represents the collection of events. This class cannot be inherited. |
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VirtualTypeBuilder.FieldInfoCollection |
Represents the collection of fields. This class cannot be inherited. |
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VirtualTypeBuilder.MethodInfoCollection |
Represents the collection of methods. This class cannot be inherited. |
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VirtualTypeBuilder.PropertyInfoCollection |
Represents the collection of properties. This class cannot be inherited. |
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VirtualTypeImplementor |
The base class you must derive from to provide an implementation of your virtual type. |
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VsTargetFrameworkProvider |
Represents information about the target framework. |
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VSTypeResolutionHelperService |
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WindowPaneProviderService |
A service that provides file-specific window panes. |