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TestElement Class

Provides a base class for all tests.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Common
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.Common (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.Common.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
Public MustInherit Class TestElement _
    Implements ITestElement, ICloneable, IVerifiable, IVisiblePropertyProvider,  _
    ITestElementResultTestPropertyProvider, IXmlTestStore, IHostedTest
public abstract class TestElement : ITestElement, 
    ICloneable, IVerifiable, IVisiblePropertyProvider, ITestElementResultTestPropertyProvider, IXmlTestStore, 
public ref class TestElement abstract : ITestElement, 
    ICloneable, IVerifiable, IVisiblePropertyProvider, ITestElementResultTestPropertyProvider, IXmlTestStore, 
type TestElement =  
        interface ITestElement 
        interface ICloneable 
        interface IVerifiable 
        interface IVisiblePropertyProvider 
        interface ITestElementResultTestPropertyProvider 
        interface IXmlTestStore 
        interface IHostedTest 
public abstract class TestElement implements ITestElement, ICloneable, IVerifiable, IVisiblePropertyProvider, ITestElementResultTestPropertyProvider, IXmlTestStore, IHostedTest

The TestElement type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method TestElement() Initializes a new instance of the TestElement class.
Protected method TestElement(TestElement) Initializes a new instance of the TestElement class by using the provided copy of a test element.
Protected method TestElement(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the TestElement class from serialized data.
Protected method TestElement(String, String) Initializes a new instance of the TestElement class by using the provided name and description.
Protected method TestElement(String, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the TestElement class by using the provided name, description, and storage.
Protected method TestElement(TestId, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the TestElement class.
Protected method TestElement(TestId, String, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the TestElement class.



  Name Description
Public property AbortRunOnAgentFailure Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the test run will be aborted if a test agent fails.
Public property Adapter When overridden in a derived class, gets the associated diagnostic data adapter.
Public property AgentAttributes Gets a dictionary of agent attributes.
Public property CanBeAggregated When overridden in a derived class, gets a value that indicates whether this test element can be aggregated.
Public property CategoryId Gets or sets the test category ID for this test element.
Public property ControllerPlugin When overridden in a derived class, gets a custom controller extension object.
Public property Copy Gets a copy of this test element.
Public property CreatedByUI Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this element was created by the user interface.
Public property CssIteration Gets or sets the iteration path for an associated work item.
Public property CssProjectStructure Gets or sets the area path of an associated work item.
Public property DeploymentItems Gets a collection of items to be deployed together with this test.
Public property DeploymentItemsEditable Gets an array of the file names for those deployment items that are editable.
Public property Description Gets or sets a description of this test element.
Public property Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this test element is enabled.
Public property ErrorMessageForNonRunnable Gets the error message to use if the test element is not runnable.
Public property ExecutionId Gets or sets the execution ID
Public property Groups Gets a collection of property descriptors that represents the groups to which the properties of this test element belong, and also determines how the descriptors will be grouped in the properties window of the user interface.
Public property HostData Gets or sets data to be used by the custom host that is identified by the HostType property.
Public property HostType Gets or sets the type name for the custom host to use for the test instead of the default host.
Public property HumanReadableId Gets the ID of this test element as it appears in the user interface.
Public property Id Gets the ID for this test element.
Public property IsAutomated Gets a value that indicates whether this test element is automated.
Public property IsGroupable Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this test element can be grouped.
Public property IsLoadTestCandidate Gets a value that indicates whether this test element will be included in a list of possible load tests in the UI.
Public property IsModified Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this test element has been modified.
Public property IsRunnable Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this test element is runnable.
Public property IsRunOnRestart Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this test element is to be run if the test run is restarted.
Public property Link Gets a link to this test element.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of this test element.
Public property Owner Gets or sets the name of the owner of this test element.
Public property ParentExecId Gets or sets the TestExecId of the parent test element.
Public property Priority Gets or sets the relative priority of this test element.
Public property ProjectData Gets or sets the data for the test project that contains this test element.
Public property ProjectName Gets the name of the test project that contains this test element.
Public property ProjectRelativePath Gets the relative path of the test project that contains this test element.
Public property Properties Gets a collection of the properties for this test element.
Public property ReadOnly When overridden in a derived class, gets or sets a value that indicates whether this test element is read-only.
Public property SolutionName Gets the name of the solution that contains this test element.
Public property SourceFileName Gets the path and file name for the test that contains this element.
Public property Storage Gets or sets the path of the storage location of the deployment items for this element.
Public property TestCategories Gets a collection of test category items that is assigned to this test element by the user in the user interface.
Public property TestIdString Gets the test ID for this test element as a string.
Public property TestType When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of this test.
Public property TestTypeName Gets the type of the test element as a string.
Public property Timeout Gets or sets the number of seconds before the execution of this test element times out.
Public property UserData Gets or sets an object that contains nonpersistable arbitrary data for a custom test element.
Public property VisibleProperties Gets a collection of the properties of this test element that is visible in the user interface.
Public property WorkItemIds Gets or sets a list of work item IDs that is associated with this test element.
Public property WorkItemIdsViewable Gets or sets a list of work item IDs for viewable work items.



  Name Description
Public method AssignIsRunnable Assigns values for the IsRunnable and ErrorMessageForNonRunnable properties.
Public method Clone When overridden in a derived class, returns a copy of this test element.
Public method Equals Returns a value that indicates whether the provided object is equal to this test element object. (Overrides Object.Equals(Object).)
Public method FillDataRow Fills the provided data row object by using test data results from visible properties of this test element.
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodStatic member GetDeploymentItemsFromEditableItems Returns a collection of deployment items that is generated from the provided array of the names of those items that are associated with this test that are editable.
Protected methodStatic member GetEditableItemsFromDeploymentItems Returns an array of the names of editable items that is generated from a collection of deployment items.
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (Overrides Object.GetHashCode.)
Public method GetObjectData Populates a SerializationInfo by using the data that is required to serialize this object.
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsValid Returns a value that indicates whether this test element is valid.
Public method Load Loads the current object from the provided XML element by using the provided parameters.
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Save Saves the current object to the provided XML element by using the provided parameters.
Public method ToString Returns a string representation of this test element. (Overrides Object.ToString.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member CanBeAggregatedPropertyName Returns "CanBeAggregated".
Public fieldStatic member CreatedByUIPropertyName Returns "CreatedByUI".
Public fieldStatic member CssIterationPropertyName Returns "CssIteration".
Public fieldStatic member CssProjectStructurePropertyName Returns "CssProjectStructure".
Public fieldStatic member DeploymentItemSeparator Returns "|".
Public fieldStatic member DescriptionPropertyName Returns "Description".
Public fieldStatic member EnabledPropertyName Returns "Enabled".
Public fieldStatic member EnabledPropName Returns "Enabled".
Public fieldStatic member ErrorMessageForNonRunnablePropertyName Returns "ErrorMessageForNonRunnable".
Public fieldStatic member HostTypePropertyName Returns "HostTypePropertyName".
Public fieldStatic member HumanReadableIdPropertyName Returns "HumanReadableId".
Public fieldStatic member InfiniteTimeout Returns the int.MaxValue.
Public fieldStatic member IsAutomatedPropertyName Returns "IsAutomated".
Public fieldStatic member IsRunnablePropertyName Returns "IsRunnable".
Protected field m_abortRunOnAgentFailure Infrastructure. Returns the value of the AbortRunOnAgentFailure property.
Protected field m_agentAttributes Infrastructure. Returns the value of the AgentAttributes property.
Protected field m_cssIteration Infrastructure. Returns the value of the CssIteration property.
Protected field m_cssProjectStructure Infrastructure. Returns the value of the CssProjectStructure property.
Protected field m_deploymentItems Infrastructure. Returns the value of the DeploymentItems property.
Protected field m_description Infrastructure. Returns the value of the Description property.
Protected field m_enabled Infrastructure. Returns the value of the Enabled property.
Protected field m_executionId Infrastructure. Returns the value of the ExecutionId property.
Protected field m_hostData Returns the internal host data.
Protected field m_hostType Infrastructure. Returns the internal value of the HostType.
Protected field m_id Infrastructure. Returns the value of the Id property.
Protected field m_isGroupable Infrastructure. Returns the value of the IsGroupable property.
Protected field m_isRunOnRestart Infrastructure. Returns the value of the IsRunOnRestart property.
Protected field m_name Infrastructure. Returns the value of the Name property.
Protected field m_nonRunnableReason Infrastructure. Returns the value of the ErrorMessageForNonRunnable property.
Protected field m_owner Infrastructure. Returns the value of the Owner property.
Protected field m_parentExecutionId Infrastructure. Returns the value of the ParentExecId property.
Protected field m_priority Infrastructure. Returns the value of the Priority property.
Protected field m_projectData Infrastructure. Returns the value of the ProjectData property.
Protected field m_properties Infrastructure. Returns the value of the Properties property.
Protected field m_storage Infrastructure. Returns the value of the Storage property.
Protected field m_testCategories Infrastructure. Returns the value of the TestCategories property.
Protected field m_timeout Infrastructure. Returns the value of the Timeout property.
Protected field m_userData Infrastructure. Returns the value of the UserData property.
Protected field m_workItemIds Infrastructure. Returns the value of the WorkItemIds property.
Public fieldStatic member NamePropertyName Infrastructure. Returns "Name".
Public fieldStatic member ObjectColumnName Infrastructure. Returns "ObjectColumnName".
Public fieldStatic member OwnerPropertyName Infrastructure. Returns "Owner".
Public fieldStatic member PriorityPropertyName Infrastructure. Returns "Priority".
Public fieldStatic member ProjectDataPropertyName Infrastructure. Returns "ProjectData".
Public fieldStatic member ProjectNamePropertyName Infrastructure. Returns "ProjectName".
Public fieldStatic member ProjectRelativePathPropertyName Infrastructure. Returns "ProjectRelativePath".
Public fieldStatic member SolutionNamePropertyName Infrastructure. Returns "SolutionName".
Public fieldStatic member SourceFileNamePropertyName Infrastructure. Returns "SourceFileName".
Public fieldStatic member StoragePropertyName Infrastructure. Returns "Storage".
Public fieldStatic member TestCategoryPropertyName Returns "TestCategory".
Public fieldStatic member TestTypePropertyName Returns "TestType".
Public fieldStatic member TimeoutVisiblePropertyName Returns "TimeoutVisible".
Public fieldStatic member WorkItemIdsViewablePropertyName Returns "WorkItemIdsViewable".



Although some properties are set by using values that a user enters through the user interface, most properties and methods are set, or used, or both, by the internal functionality of the user interface.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Common Namespace
