Metodo Shape.RectangleToScreen
Calcola le dimensioni e la posizione del rettangolo client specificato nelle coordinate dello schermo.
Spazio dei nomi: Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs (in Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll)
Public Function RectangleToScreen ( _
rect As Rectangle _
) As Rectangle
public Rectangle RectangleToScreen(
Rectangle rect
Rectangle RectangleToScreen(
Rectangle rect
member RectangleToScreen :
rect:Rectangle -> Rectangle
public function RectangleToScreen(
rect : Rectangle
) : Rectangle
- rect
Tipo: System.Drawing.Rectangle
Le coordinate dello schermo Rectangle per convertire.
Valore restituito
Tipo: System.Drawing.Rectangle
In Rectangle che rappresenta convertito Rectangle, p, nelle coordinate dello schermo.
Alcune proprietà e metodi esprimono le coordinate angolo superiore sinistro dello schermo, altri le esprimono relativo al form client.RectangleToClient e RectangleToScreen i metodi possono essere utilizzati per eseguire la conversione tra i due.
Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come utilizzare PointToScreen e RectangleToScreen metodi per modificare il colore di un oggetto RectangleShape quando un'operazione di trascinamento termina sulla relativa area client.Questo esempio presuppone che l'utente abbia a RectangleShape controllare RectangleShape1 denominato in un form e sul relativo BackStyle la proprietà è impostata su Opaque.
Public isDrag As Boolean = True
Public theRectangle As System.Drawing.Rectangle
Private Sub Form1_MouseMove(
ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs
) Handles RectangleShape1.MouseMove
' If the mouse is being dragged, undraw and redraw the rectangle
' while the mouse moves.
If (isDrag) Then
' Hide the previous rectangle by calling the
' DrawReversibleFrame method, using the same parameters.
ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(theRectangle, Me.BackColor,
' Calculate the endpoint and dimensions for the new rectangle,
' again by using the PointToScreen method.
Dim startPoint As Point = New Point(RectangleShape1.Width,
Dim endPoint As Point = RectangleShape1.PointToScreen(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
Dim width As Integer = endPoint.X - startPoint.X
Dim height As Integer = endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y
theRectangle = New Rectangle(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y,
width, height)
' Draw the new rectangle by calling DrawReversibleFrame again.
ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(theRectangle, Me.BackColor,
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_MouseUp() Handles RectangleShape1.MouseUp
' If the MouseUp event occurs, the user is not dragging.
isDrag = False
' Draw the rectangle to be evaluated. Set a dashed frame style
' by using the FrameStyle enumeration.
ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(theRectangle, Me.BackColor,
' Find out which controls intersect the rectangle, and change
' their colors.
' The method uses the RectangleToScreen method to convert the
' control's client coordinates to screen coordinates.
Dim controlRectangle As Rectangle
controlRectangle = RectangleShape1.RectangleToScreen(
If controlRectangle.IntersectsWith(theRectangle) Then
RectangleShape1.BackColor = Color.BurlyWood
End If
' Reset the rectangle.
theRectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
public bool isDrag = true;
public System.Drawing.Rectangle theRectangle;
private void Form1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
// If the mouse is being dragged, undraw and redraw the rectangle
// while the mouse moves.
if (isDrag)
// Hide the previous rectangle by calling the
// DrawReversibleFrame method, using the same parameters.
ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(theRectangle, this.BackColor, FrameStyle.Dashed);
// Calculate the endpoint and dimensions for the new rectangle,
// again by using the PointToScreen method.
Point startPoint = new Point(rectangleShape1.Width, rectangleShape1.Height);
Point endPoint = rectangleShape1.PointToScreen(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
int width = endPoint.X - startPoint.X;
int height = endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y;
theRectangle = new Rectangle(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, width, height);
// Draw the new rectangle by calling DrawReversibleFrame again.
ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(theRectangle, this.BackColor, FrameStyle.Dashed);
private void Form1_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
// If the MouseUp event occurs, the user is not dragging.
isDrag = false;
// Draw the rectangle to be evaluated. Set a dashed frame style
// by using the FrameStyle enumeration.
ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(theRectangle, this.BackColor, FrameStyle.Dashed);
// Find out which controls intersect the rectangle, and change
// their colors.
// The method uses the RectangleToScreen method to convert the
// control's client coordinates to screen coordinates.
Rectangle controlRectangle;
controlRectangle = rectangleShape1.RectangleToScreen(rectangleShape1.ClientRectangle);
if (controlRectangle.IntersectsWith(theRectangle))
rectangleShape1.BackColor = Color.BurlyWood;
// Reset the rectangle.
theRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
Sicurezza di .NET Framework
- Attendibilità totale per il chiamante immediato. Impossibile utilizzare questo membro in codice parzialmente attendibile. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere Utilizzo di librerie da codice parzialmente attendibile.
Vedere anche
Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Altre risorse
Procedura: disegnare linee con il controllo LineShape (Visual Studio)
Procedura: disegnare forme con i controlli OvalShape e RectangleShape (Visual Studio)