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Source Control Plug-in API Functions

The Source Control Plug-in API provides the following functions, which must be implemented by the source control plug-in in accordance with this API. The signatures of each function and the semantics associated with the bit flags and other parameters are described in detail in this reference.

Initialization and Housekeeping Functions



SccCloseProject Function

Closes a project.

SccGetCommandOptions Function

Prompts the user for advanced options for the given command.

SccGetVersion Function

Returns the version of the source control plug-in.

SccInitialize Function

Initializes the source control plug-in. It is called once for each instance of the plug-in.

SccOpenProject Function

Opens a project.

SccSetOption Function

A generic function used to set a wide variety of options. Each option starts with SCC_OPT_xxx and has its own defined set of values.

SccUninitialize Function

Called once when a source control plug-in needs to be unplugged.

Core Source Control Functions



SccAdd Function

Adds an array of files specified by fully qualified path names to the source control system.

SccAddFromScc Function

Allows the user to browse for files that are already in the source control system and then make those files part of the current project.

SccCheckin Function

Checks in an array of files.

SccCheckout Function

Checks out an array of files.

SccDiff Function

Shows the differences between the local user's file specified by a fully qualified path name and the version under source control.

SccGet Function

Retrieves a read-only copy of a set of files.

SccGetEvents Function

Checks the status of files that the caller has asked about (via SccQueryInfo).

SccGetProjPath Function

Causes the source control plug-in to prompt the user for a project path that is meaningful to the plug-in.

SccHistory Function

Shows the history for an array of fully qualified local file names.

SccPopulateList Function

Examines the list of files for their current status. In addition, uses the pfnPopulate function to notify the caller when a file does not match the criteria for the nCommand.

SccProperties Function

Shows the properties of a fully qualified file.

SccQueryInfo Function

Examines a list of fully qualified files for their current status.

SccRemove Function

Removes the array of fully qualified files from the source control system.

SccRename Function

Renames the given file to a new name in the source control system.

SccRunScc Function

Accesses the full range of features of the source control system.

SccUncheckout Function

Undoes a checkout of an array of files.

Functions that Support Additional Capability (Version 1.2 of the Source Control Plug-in API)

This group of functions defines the additional functionality included in version 1.2 of the Source Control Plug-in API. They provide access to more advanced source control features and capabilities.



SccBeginBatch Function

Starts a batch operation.

SccCreateSubProject Function

Creates a subproject with the given name under an existing parent project.

SccDirDiff Function

Shows the differences between the local user's directory specified by a fully qualified path name and the source control database location.

SccDirQueryInfo Function

Examines a list of fully qualified directories for their current status.

SccEndBatch Function

Ends a batch operation.

SccGetParentProjectPath Function

Returns parent path of the given project (the project must exist).

SccIsMultiCheckoutEnabled Function

Checks whether multiple checkouts on a file are allowed.

SccWillCreateSccFile Function

Checks whether the plug-in will create MSSCCPRJ.SCC files.

Functions that Support Advanced Capability (Version 1.3 of the Source Control Plug-in API)

This group of functions defines the additional functionality included in version 1.3 of the Source Control Plug-in API. They provide access to more advanced source control features and capabilities.



SccAddFilesFromSCC Function

Adds a list of files from source control to the current project.

SccBackgroundGet Function

Retrieves a list of files from source control without a user interface.

SccEnumChangedFiles Function

Retrieves a list of files in source control that are different from the local files.

SccGetExtendedCapabilities Function

Retrieves flags that specify extended capabilities supported by the source control plug-in.

SccGetUserOption Function

Retrieves user-specific options.

SccPopulateDirList Function

Examines a list of directories and files in a project or projects that are under source control. Each directory and file name found is passed to a callback function.

SccQueryChanges Function

Examines name changes made to a list of files. Each file name is passed to a callback function with its change status.


Header: scc.h

(Supplied in the Environment SDK common includes folder, by default [drive]\Program Files\VSIP 8.0\EnvSDK\common\inc; also supplied in the VSIP folder with the MSSCCI sample, [drive]\Program Files\VSIP 8.0\MSSCCI).

See Also

Other Resources

Source Control Plug-ins

Creating a Source Control Plug-in