Condividi tramite


Returns all the types of error information contained in an error record.

HRESULT GetAllErrorInfo(
   ULONG ulRecordNum,
   LCID lcid,
   BSTR* pbstrDescription,
   BSTR* pbstrSource = NULL,
   GUID* pguid = NULL,
   DWORD* pdwHelpContext = NULL,
   BSTR* pbstrHelpFile = NULL
) const throw( );


  • ulRecordNum
    [in] The zero-based number of the record for which to return error information.

  • lcid
    [in] The locale ID for the error information to be returned.

  • pbstrDescription
    [out] A pointer to a text description of the error.

  • pbstrSource
    [out] A pointer to a string containing the name of the component that generated the error.

  • pguid
    [out] A pointer to the GUID of the interface that defined the error.

  • pdwHelpContext
    [out] A pointer to the help context ID for the error.

  • pbstrHelpFile
    [out] A pointer to a string containing the path to the help file that describes the error.

Return Value

S_OK if successful. See IErrorRecords::GetErrorInfo in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference for other return values.


Header: atldbcli.h


The output value of pbstrDescription is obtained internally by calling IErrorInfo::GetDescription, which sets the value to NULL if the locale is not supported, or if both of the following conditions are true:

  1. the value of lcid is NOT U.S. English and

  2. the value of lcid is NOT equal to the value returned by GetUserDefaultLCID.

See Also


CDBErrorInfo Class

Other Resources

CDBErrorInfo Members