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Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntelliTrace Namespace


  Class Description
Public class CallSiteEvent Describes the point in a method where a function is called.
Public class Chain Represents a chain of events that are recorded from a running application.
Public class CheckpointChain Provides a chain of checkpoint events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class CheckpointStreamChain Provides a chain of checkpoint events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class CollectionPlanEvent Describes a CollectionPlanEvent.
Public class DataRequestedEvent Occurs when has reached its maximum size and no more data can be written.
Public class DebugDirectory Describes the debug directory information from the module.
Public class DebuggerInteractionEvent Describes an event that was recorded from an interaction of the users in the debugger.
Public class DerivedChain Represents a chain of events that is recorded from a running application that has an in-memory cache of events.
Public class DiagnosticChain Provides a chain of DiagnosticEvents that were recorded from a running application.
Public class DiagnosticCheckpointChain Provides a chain of DiagnosticEvents that was recorded from a running application.
Public class DiagnosticCheckpointEvent Describes the diagnostic event checkpoint event in a trace log.
Public class DiagnosticEvent Describes a DiagnosticEvent.
Public class DiagnosticStreamChain Provides a chain of DiagnosticEvents that were recorded from a running application.
Public class ExceptionCatchEnterEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind enters a catch handler.
Public class ExceptionCatchExitEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind exits a catch handler.
Public class ExceptionEvent Describes an event in the exception pipeline processing.
Public class ExceptionIndexEvent Used to index exceptions in the ThreadChain or ThreadStreamChain.
Public class ExceptionIndexStreamChain ExceptionIndexStreamChain is a StreamChain and loads data into memory only when GetEvent or GetEvents is called.
Public class ExceptionSearchCatchFoundEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search finds an exception handler.
Public class ExceptionSearchFilterEnterEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search enters an exception filter.
Public class ExceptionSearchFilterExitEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search exits an exception filter.
Public class ExceptionSearchFunctionEnterEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search enters a function.
Public class ExceptionSearchFunctionExitEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search exits a function.
Public class ExceptionThrownEvent Describes the point in a running application where an exception was thrown and the raw data that was collected about that exception.
Public class ExceptionUnwindFinallyEnterEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind enters a finally block.
Public class ExceptionUnwindFinallyExitEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind exits a finally block.
Public class ExceptionUnwindFunctionEnterEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind enters a function.
Public class ExceptionUnwindFunctionExitEvent Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind exits a function.
Public class FilteredListChain Provides a filtered chain of events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class IntelliTraceEvent Represents a recorded event from a running application.
Public class IntelliTraceFile Describes an IntelliTrace (.iTrace) file.
Public class IntelliTraceFileBase Describes an IntelliTrace (.iTrace) file.
Public class IntelliTraceModule Describes a module from an IntelliTrace file.
Public class IntelliTraceProcess Describes a process from an IntelliTrace file.
Public class IntelliTraceSourceLocation Describes a source range (starting line and column to ending line and column) in a source file.
Public class IntelliTraceStackFrame Describes a stack frame on a call stack of a thread.
Public class IntelliTraceThread Describes a thread from an IntelliTrace file.
Public class ListChain Provides a list of events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class MetadataEvent Describes saved metadata for a module.
Public class MetadataStreamChain Provides a chain of metadata events that is recorded from a running application.
Public class MethodEnterEvent Describes the start of a method and its raw parameter data from a running application.
Public class MethodExitEvent Describes the end of a method and its raw outputs from a running application.
Public class ModuleIsUserCodeEvent Describes the ModuleIsUserCodeEvent.
Public class ModuleLoadEvent Describes the ModuleLoadEvent.
Public class ModuleMetadataEvent Describes the ModuleMetadataEvent.
Public class ModuleTokenEvent Describes the ModuleTokenEvent.
Public class ModuleUnloadEvent Describes the ModuleUnloadEvent.
Public class NullEvent Describes a NullEvent, which is an event that can be ignored.
Public class OrdinalEvent Describes an event that is ordered in time, relative to other ordinal events.
Public class PartitionedListChain Provides a list of events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class PartitioningEvent Describes a PartitioningEvent that is used to describe checkpoints in an application recording and can be used to separate large streams of data into partitions.
Public class ProcessChain Provides a list of process-related events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class ProcessDestroyedEvent Describes the ProcessDestroyedEvent.
Public class ProcessInformationEvent Describes a ProcessInformationEvent.
Public class ProcessStreamChain Provides a chain of process-related events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class ResolvedCallSiteEvent Describes a CallSiteEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point.
Public class ResolvedDiagnosticEvent Describes a DiagnosticEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point.
Public class ResolvedExceptionEvent Describes one exception point and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point.
Public class ResolvedExceptionThrownEvent Describes an ExceptionThrownEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point.
Public class ResolvedMethod Describes a method and decodes the raw data that is collected about a method.
Public class ResolvedMethodEnterEvent Describes a MethodEnterEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point.
Public class ResolvedMethodEvent Describes one of the method-level points and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point.
Public class ResolvedMethodExitEvent Describes a MethodExitEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point.
Public class ResolvedStackFrame Describes a StackFrame and decodes the raw stack frame data that was collected.
Public class RootChain Represents a chain of events that is recorded from a running application that has optional read support, append support, or both.
Public class StreamChain Provides a stream of events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class SystemInformationEvent Describes a SystemInformationEvent.
Public class TailCallSiteEvent Describes the point in a method where a tail call occurs.
Public class TestCaseEndEvent Describes a TestCaseEndEvent.
Public class TestCaseEvent Describes the common properties of a test case event.
Public class TestCasePauseEvent Describes a TestCasePauseEvent.
Public class TestCaseResetEvent Describes a TestCaseResetEvent.
Public class TestCaseResumeEvent Describes a TestCaseResumeEvent.
Public class TestCaseStartEvent Describes a TestCaseStartEvent.
Public class TestChain Provides a chain of test events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class TestRunContextEvent Describes a TestRunContextEvent.
Public class TestSessionEndEvent Describes a TestSessionEndEvent.
Public class TestSessionEvent Describes the common properties of a test session event.
Public class TestSessionPauseEvent Describes a TestSessionPauseEvent.
Public class TestSessionResumeEvent Describes a TestSessionResumeEvent.
Public class TestSessionStartEvent Describes a TestSessionStartEvent.
Public class TestStepEndEvent Describes a TestStepEndEvent.
Public class TestStepEvent Describes the common properties of a test step event.
Public class TestStepStartEvent Describes a TestStepStartEvent.
Public class TestStreamChain Provides a chain of test events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class ThreadChain Provides a chain of thread-related events that was recorded from a running application.
Public class ThreadCheckpointChain Provides a chain of thread checkpoints that was recorded from a running application.
Public class ThreadCheckpointEvent Describes the checkpoint event for a thread in an IntelliTrace file.
Public class ThreadCreateEvent Describes the ThreadCreateEvent.
Public class ThreadDestroyEvent Describes the ThreadDestroyEvent.
Public class ThreadNameChangedEvent Describes the ThreadNameChangedEvent.
Public class ThreadStreamChain Provides a chain of thread-related points that was recorded from a running application.


  Structure Description
Public structure DisplaySettings Describes the display settings for a display that is attached to a computer.
Public structure EventToken [A] lightweight reference to an event in a chain that can be stored without holding a reference to the event or chain.
Protected structure ListChain.EventLink This type is for internal use only.


  Interface Description
Public interface IDataElement Describes a data element that consists of a name, value, and data type. Each part of the data element is described as a string.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ChainAccess Specifies the type of access to the RootChain.
Public enumeration DebuggerInteractionSource Specifies the origination of the interaction of the user by using the debugger.
Public enumeration DiagnosticEventDataQueryType Specifies the types of data queries for a ResolvedDiagnosticEvent.
Public enumeration IntelliTraceFile.OpenFlags Specifies options to be used when the IntelliTrace file is opened.