tagVSQueryEditResultFlags Enumeration
This enumeration specifies bitflags, returned from the QueryEditFiles method, that tell whether a file was checked out and/or changed.
This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.dll)
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration tagVSQueryEditResultFlags
Dim instance As tagVSQueryEditResultFlags
public enum tagVSQueryEditResultFlags
public enum class tagVSQueryEditResultFlags
type tagVSQueryEditResultFlags
public enum tagVSQueryEditResultFlags
Member name | Description | |
QER_MaybeCheckedout | Files checked-out to edit. | |
QER_MaybeChanged | Files changed on checkout. | |
QER_InMemoryEdit | Safe to edit files in memory. | |
QER_InMemoryEditNotAllowed | Edit denied because in-memory edit not allowed. | |
QER_NoisyCheckoutRequired | Silent mode operation does not permit UI. | |
QER_NoisyPromptRequired | Silent mode operation does not permit UI. | |
QER_CheckoutCanceledOrFailed | Edit not allowed because checkout failed. | |
QER_EditNotPossible | Edit will never be allowed because of current option settings or external conditions. | |
QER_ReadOnlyNotUnderScc | Edit not allowed because file is read-only on disk. | |
QER_ReadOnlyUnderScc | Edit not allowed because file is read-only and under source control (probably checked in). |
The QER_NoisyCheckoutRequired and QER_NoisyPromptRequired flags are synonymous.
The QER_ReadOnlyNotUnderScc and QER_ReadOnlyUnderScc return flags are useful when calling QueryEditFiles in report mode. However, note that these flags are only set when an edit is denied. If QueryEditFiles approves an edit, the caller should make no assumption about whether the files are read-only or under source control. The approval merely indicates that, regardless of status, the files are ready to be modified.