Source Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Represents a source file in the language service and controls parsing operations on that source.
The Source type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Source | Initializes a new instance of the Source class. |
Name | Description | |
BeginParse() | Begins a full parsing operation either in the foreground or the background. | |
BeginParse(Int32, Int32, TokenInfo, ParseReason, IVsTextView, ParseResultHandler) | Begins a parsing operation with the given token, text view, and parse request handler. | |
Close | Determines whether the source file can be closed. | |
ColumnToVisiblePosition | Gets the screen column position corresponding to the specified character offset, taking into account tab size. | |
CommentBlock | Comments out a span of source using block comments. | |
CommentLines | Comments out a span of source using line comments. | |
CommentSpan | Comments out the specified span of source. | |
Completion | Starts an IntelliSense member completion operation. | |
CreateAuthoringSink | Creates an instance of an AuthoringSink object for use in parsing operations. | |
CreateCompletionSet | Creates a new instance of a CompletionSet class. | |
CreateErrorTaskItem(TextSpan, MARKERTYPE, String) | Creates a new error task item for the Error List, for the supplied text, marker type, and file name. | |
CreateErrorTaskItem(TextSpan, String, String, TaskPriority, TaskCategory, MARKERTYPE, TaskErrorCategory) | Creates a new error task item for the Error List, for the supplied text, file name, message, priority, category, marker type, and error type. | |
CreateMethodData | Creates a new instance of a MethodData object that handles the IntelliSense method tip mode. | |
DismissCompletor | Removes the IntelliSense method tip or completion list from view, whichever was active. | |
Dispose | Called in preparation of destroying this Source object. | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ExecMarkerCommand | Executes the specified command on the specified region. | |
Finalize | The class destructor, called just before the object is destroyed. (Overrides Object.Finalize().) | |
GetColorizer | Gets the colorizer associated with this Source object. | |
GetCommentFormat | Gets information on what defines a comment in the language. | |
GetDocumentSpan | Gets the span occupied by the entire source file. | |
GetExpansionProvider | Gets an expansion provider in support of code snippets. | |
GetFilePath | Gets the file name of the source file. | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHiddenTextSession | Gets the hidden region manager if available. | |
GetLine | Gets the text on the specified line. | |
GetLineCount | Gets the number of lines in the source file. | |
GetLineIndexOfPosition | Gets the line and column for the specified position. | |
GetLineLength | Gets the length of the specified line. | |
GetMarkerCommandInfo | Determines which marker commands can be shown on a context menu for the specified hidden region. | |
GetNewLine | Gets the newline character used at the end of the specified line. | |
GetPairExtents(IVsTextView, Int32, Int32, TextSpan%) | Gets the span between a matching pair of language elements. | |
GetPairExtents(IVsTextView, Int32, Int32, TextSpan%, TextSpan%) | Gets the text spans for a matching pair (or triplet) of language elements. | |
GetPositionOfLineIndex | Gets the position corresponding to the given line and character offset location. | |
GetTaskProvider | Gets the task provider that manages the error tasks. | |
GetText() | Gets all of the text of the source file. | |
GetText(TextSpan) | Gets the text included in the text span. | |
GetText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Gets the text between the specified locations. | |
GetTextLines | Gets the IVsTextLines object associated with this Source object. | |
GetTextUpToLine | Gets the text from the source up to and including the given line number. | |
GetTipText | Gets the text in the given hidden region to be used in a tool tip. | |
GetTokenInfo | Gets information about the token at the specified position. | |
GetTokenInfoAt | Gets the index of the TokenInfo object that includes the supplied column number. | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetUserData | Gets the user data associated with the specified GUID. | |
GetWordExtent | Gets the span occupied by the word at the specified location. | |
MakeBaseSpanVisible | Ensures that the given span in the given hidden region is visible. | |
MatchBraces | Highlights the spans of a pair of language elements, given the position of one of the elements. | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MethodTip | Displays an IntelliSense method tip showing a method's signature as it is entered. | |
NormalizeNewlines | Converts the newlines in the specified text to the specified newline. | |
OnBeforeSessionEnd | Called just before a hidden region session is closed. | |
OnChangeLineAttributes | Called when one or more lines' attributes (font, color) have changed. | |
OnChangeLineText | Called when a line's text has changed. | |
OnChangesCommitted | Called when a code snippet is committed to the source file. | |
OnCommand | Handles IntelliSense-oriented commands. | |
OnHiddenRegionChange | Called when a hidden region has changed. | |
OnIdle | Called when no other events are being handled. | |
OnUserDataChange | Called when user data has been changed in a text buffer. | |
Open | Marks the Source object as being open. | |
ProcessHiddenRegions | Updates all hidden regions based on the given list of hidden regions. | |
Recolorize | Updates the syntax highlighting on the specified range of lines. | |
ReformatSpan | Format the specified span of source. | |
RegisterTextBufferEventHandlers | ||
RemoveHiddenRegions | Removes all hidden regions from the current view. | |
RemoveTask | Removes the specified error task from the error Task window. | |
ScanToNonWhitespaceChar | Returns the offset of the first non-whitespace character on the given line. | |
SetText(String) | Replaces the source contents with the given text. | |
SetText(TextSpan, String) | Replaces the specified span of source with the given text. | |
SetText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String) | Replaces the specified section of source with the given text. | |
SetUserData | Sets the given user data property to the given value. | |
ToString | Returns a String that represents the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
TrimSpan | Adjusts the given span to skip leading and trailing whitespace. | |
UncommentBlock | Removes comment characters from around the specified span. | |
UncommentLines | Removes line comment characters from the beginning of each line in the given span. | |
UncommentSpan | Removes any comment characters from the beginning and end of the given span. | |
VisiblePositionToColumn | Gets the character offset on the given line corresponding to the specified screen column position. |
Name | Description | |
ChangeCount | Gets the number of changes made to the source file since it was opened. | |
ColorState | Gets or sets the IVsTextColorState object that is used in various parsing tasks. | |
CompletedFirstParse | Gets whether the parser has completed at least once. | |
CompletionSet | Gets the CompletionSet collection used for this instance of the Source class. | |
DirtySpan | Gets a range that identifies the changed lines in the source. | |
HandlesSnapshots | ||
IsClosed | Gets the current state of the source file. | |
IsCompletorActive | Gets whether the IntelliSense member completion or method tip modes are active. | |
IsDirty | Gets or sets whether any of the lines of source have changed. | |
LanguageService | Gets the language service associated with the source file. | |
LastParseTime | Gets the duration of the last parse operation. | |
OutliningEnabled | Gets or sets whether outlining is currently enabled. |