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The framework calls the RepositionFrame member function to lay out control bars and reposition the in-place editing window so all of it is visible.

virtual void RepositionFrame(
   LPCRECT lpPosRect,
   LPCRECT lpClipRect 


  • lpPosRect
    Pointer to a RECT structure or a CRect object containing the in-place frame window's current position coordinates, in pixels, relative to the client area.

  • lpClipRect
    Pointer to a RECT structure or a CRect object containing the in-place frame window's current clipping-rectangle coordinates, in pixels, relative to the client area.


Layout of control bars in the container window differs from that performed by a non-OLE frame window. The non-OLE frame window calculates the positions of control bars and other objects from a given frame-window size, as in a call to CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout. The client area is what remains after space for control bars and other objects is subtracted. A COleIPFrameWnd window, on the other hand, positions toolbars in accordance with a given client area. In other words, CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout works "from the outside in," whereas COleIPFrameWnd::RepositionFrame works "from the inside out."


Header: afxole.h

See Also


COleIPFrameWnd Class

Hierarchy Chart


Other Resources

COleIPFrameWnd Members