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Call this member function to compute the required size of the window rectangle based on the desired client-rectangle size.

virtual void CalcWindowRect(
   LPRECT lpClientRect,
      UINT nAdjustType = adjustBorder 


  • lpClientRect
    Points to a RECT structure or CRect object that contains the resultant value of the window rectangle.

  • nAdjustType
    An enumerated type used for in-place editing. It can have the following values: CWnd::adjustBorder = 0, which means that scroll-bar sizes are ignored in calculation; and CWnd::adjustOutside = 1, which means that they are added into the final measurements of the rectangle.


A client rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely encloses a client area. A window rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the window.


// Uses CalcWindowRect to determine size for new CFrameWnd
// based on the size of the current view. The end result is a
// top level frame window of the same size as CMdiView's frame.
void CMdiView::OnMyCreateFrame() 
   CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd = new CFrameWnd;
   CRect myRect;
   pFrameWnd->Create(NULL, _T("My Frame"));
   pFrameWnd->CalcWindowRect(&myRect, CWnd::adjustBorder);
   pFrameWnd->MoveWindow(0, 0, myRect.Width(), myRect.Height());


Header: afxwin.h

See Also


CWnd Class

CWnd Members

Hierarchy Chart
