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Visual Basic Concepts

Adding Data Handling Code

In order to turn the MyData control into a data source, you'll need to add some code to handle connecting to the data and moving through the records. You'll also need to expose a number of properties to allow a developer using the control to select a data source at design time.

Note   This topic is part of a series that walks you through creating sample data source components. It begins with the topic Creating Data Sources.

To add data handling code to the MyData control

  1. In the Project Explorer window, click MyData to select it, then press F7 or click the Code button on the Project Explorer window toolbar, to open the Code window.

  2. Select References from the Project menu to open the References dialog box. Add a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library.

  3. Add the following Property Let / Property Get procedures to expose design-time properties:

    ' read only
    Public Property Get RecordSet() As ADODB.RecordSet
       Set RecordSet = rs
    End Property
    Public Property Get RecordSource() As String
       RecordSource = m_RecordSource
    End Property
    Public Property Let RecordSource(ByVal New_RecordSource As String)
       m_RecordSource = New_RecordSource
    End Property
    Public Property Get BOFAction() As BOFActionType
       BOFAction = m_BOFAction
    End Property
    Public Property Let BOFAction(ByVal New_BOFAction As BOFActionType)
       m_BOFAction = New_BOFAction
    End Property
    Public Property Get EOFAction() As EOFActionType
       EOFAction = m_EOFAction
    End Property
    Public Property Let EOFAction(ByVal New_EOFAction As EOFActionType)
       m_EOFAction = New_EOFAction
    End Property
    Public Property Get ConnectionString() As String
       ConnectionString = m_ConnectionString
    End Property
    Public Property Let ConnectionString(ByVal New_ConnectionString _
          As String)
       m_ConnectionString = New_ConnectionString
    End Property
  4. In the Object box, select cmdFirst. In the Procedure box, select the Click event. Add the following code to the cmdFirst_Click event procedure to move to the first record in a recordset:

    Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()
       If rs Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    End Sub
  5. In the Object box, select cmdLast. In the Procedure box, select the Click event. Add the following code to the cmdLast_Click event procedure to move to the last record in a recordset:

    Private Sub cmdLast_Click()
       If rs Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    End Sub
  6. In the Object box, select cmdPrev. In the Procedure box, select the Click event. Add the following code to the cmdPrev_Click event procedure to move backwards through a recordset:

    Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()
       If rs Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
       If rs.BOF Then
          Select Case m_BOFAction
             Case BOFActionType.adDoMoveFirst
             Case BOFActionType.adStayBOF
                Exit Sub
             Case Else
                Exit Sub
          End Select
       End If
    End Sub
  7. In the Object box, select cmdNext. In the Procedure box, select the Click event. Add the following code to the cmdNext_Click event procedure to move forward through a recordset:

    Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
       If rs Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
       If rs.EOF Then
          Select Case m_EOFAction
             Case EOFActionType.adDoAddNew
             Case EOFActionType.adDoMoveLast
             Case EOFActionType.adStayEOF
                Exit Sub
             Case Else
                Exit Sub
          End Select
       End If
    End Sub
  8. In the Object box, select UserControl. In the Procedure box, select the Terminate event. Add the following code to the UserControl_Terminate event procedure to ensure that the objects created by the control are shut down properly:

    Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
       On Error Resume Next
       If Not rs Is Nothing Then
          Set rs = Nothing
       End If
       If Not cn Is Nothing Then
          Set cn = Nothing
       End If
    End Sub
  9. In the Object box, select UserControl. In the Procedure box, select the WriteProperties event. Add the following code to the UserControl_WriteProperties event procedure to save the property values that are entered at design time:

    Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
       'Write property values to storage
       Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Caption", _
          lblCaption.Caption, Ambient.DisplayName)
       Call PropBag.WriteProperty("RecordSource", _
          m_RecordSource, m_def_RecordSource)
       Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BOFAction", _
          m_BOFAction, m_def_BOFAction)
       Call PropBag.WriteProperty("EOFAction", _
          m_EOFAction, m_def_EOFAction)
       Call PropBag.WriteProperty("ConnectionString", _
          m_ConnectionString, m_def_ConnectionString)
    End Sub
  10. In the Object box, select UserControl. In the Procedure box, select the ReadProperties event. Add the following code to the UserControl_ReadProperties event procedure to save the property values that are entered at design time:

    Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
       'Load property values from storage
       lblCaption.Caption = PropBag.ReadProperty("Caption", _
       m_RecordSource = PropBag.ReadProperty("RecordSource", _
       m_BOFAction = PropBag.ReadProperty("BOFAction", m_def_BOFAction)
       m_EOFAction = PropBag.ReadProperty("EOFAction", m_def_EOFAction)
       m_ConnectionString = PropBag.ReadProperty("ConnectionString", _
    End Sub
  11. In the Object box, select UserControl. In the Procedure box, select the GetDataMember event. Add the following code to the UserControl_GetDataMember event procedure to connect to the data specified in the ConnectionString and RecordSource properties:

    Private Sub UserControl_GetDataMember(DataMember As String, _
          Data As Object)
       Dim conn As String
       On Error GoTo GetDataMemberError
       If rs Is Nothing Or cn Is Nothing Then
          ' make sure various properties have been set
          If Trim$(m_ConnectionString) = "" Then
             MsgBox "No ConnectionString Specified!", _
                   vbInformation, Ambient.DisplayName
             Exit Sub
          End If
          If Trim$(m_RecordSource) = "" Then
             MsgBox "No RecordSource Specified!", _
                vbInformation, Ambient.DisplayName
             Exit Sub
          End If
          If Trim$(m_ConnectionString) <> "" Then
             ' Create a Connection object and establish
             ' a connection.
             Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
             cn.ConnectionString = m_ConnectionString
             ' Create a RecordSet object.
             Set rs = New ADODB.RecordSet
             rs.Open m_RecordSource, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
             Set cn = Nothing
             Set rs = Nothing
          End If
       End If
       Set Data = rs
       Exit Sub
       MsgBox "Error: " & CStr(Err.Number) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
          Err.Description, vbOKOnly, Ambient.DisplayName
       Exit Sub
    End Sub
  12. Save your work before going on to the next step.

In the next step we'll run our project to see the results.

Step by Step

This topic is part of a series that walks you through creating sample ActiveX data sources.

To See
Go to the next step Running the MyDataControl Project
Start from the beginning Creating Data Sources